Communism or Communion
1. What is the left's end game?
2. Are they as stupid as they seem or are they as wily as their master, Satan?
3. Do they really know what they are doing?
4. How is the left able to ignore minor differences and act in unison on the big issues?
5. Why does the right blow minor differences out of proportion rather than uniting on their commonality?
The answers to all of these questions is found in the Bible, the Word of God.
6. Do you know what the Word says?
7. Are you a student of the Word?
8. Do you meditate on the Word day and night?
9. Do you believe in your heart what it says?
10. Do you pray in the Spirit?
If the answer to any of questions 6-10 is "NO" you are unprepared for what is coming. You will likely be deceived (if not already). Only the Wisdom of God can stand against the wiles of Satan. Only Spiritual vision and understanding can see what the enemy is doing and only the Spirit and Word can stop him in his tracks.
It is past time for us to take our situation seriously. The most deadly virus we are dealing with is spiritual in nature. It is the spirit of antichrist and its infection is raging throughout the world.
If you have forsaken the assembling of yourselves together you need to repent. (Heb 10:25) Get into a Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church and fellowship with them in the Holy Spirit and the Word. Become a Disciple. Become Salt and Light.
The spiritually weak/dead people in your life need you.