Chanting is Satanic. It is practiced by heathens. Why do heathens chant?
→ there is no one to hear them
→ it is mind-numbing
→ it is an invitation to demons
Words are mental image triggers. The real power of words is what happens in one`s mind upon hearing them.
Focusing on the meaning of words is to empower the imagination to realize what is referenced.
Jesus is the Incarnate Word. The spoken and written Word of the Old Testament was not sufficient to express the Truth and Light of our Lord.
So, He manifested in the flesh so we could better understand His nature.
But chanting does not require light or truth to be effective. This is because it does not and cannot touch the True And Living God. In that respect it is like TM.
Since it does not bring a person in touch with the Lord Jesus Christ, with whom does it bring the chanter in contact?
→ demonic spirits
Just as horror movies are titillating, so is the soulish experience achieved by chanting.
But instead of light and Truth being revealed in the experience (which brings the person to higher ground), chanting serves to dehumanize the chanter.
What if you don`t chant but you listen to chanters. Does that have a negative effect on you?
→ yes
Just as faith comes by hearing so does doubt and fear.
The words we hear effect us but not as much as the words we speak.
It is virtually impossible to hear a chant and not repeat it in your mind. More often than not, the one exposed to chanting will become a chanter themselves.
And so we come to the final point:
Rapping is chanting
Rapping is having an abysmal effect upon those who come under its bondage.
Yes, they are in bondage to it. Most listeners have become so addicted to it they blast it on their speakers or directly into their brains via buds.
The proof that what I am saying is true is in the words that people submit themselves to listen to because of the demonic power in chanting. There is a dehumanized vileness and violence expressed in the lyrics of the worst of it.
Some will argue that there are rappers (chanters) who use good lyrics, even Christian themes in their rapping. My answer to that is that it is still chanting which has a harmful effect upon the soul of a person.
Bondage to demons can only be avoided by wise choices. When you are exposed to something which tends to entrap you, turn away as soon as possible.
Those into rapping are in bondage to the spiritual demons who thrive in the soulish realm of humanity.
Remember what Jesus said about chanting in . It is to be avoided regardless of the original motivation to do it.
If you are already in bondage to it, decide to be delivered from it and then ask the Lord Jesus to remove the love of it from you. He will.
Once you are free from it and can think straight again, turn your attention to the Word Of The Lord. Ask to filled with His Holy Spirit.
Then spend your time meditating on the Word and Praying In The Spirit to be fully healed and brought into light and Truth through your personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.