Either man chooses or God chooses.
If God chooses, then He is Evil for putting those He doesn't choose into the Lake Of Fire.
How can anyone argue with that logic?
1. Creation itself bears witness that there is a creator God and so men are without excuse for not seeking Him. Rom 1:20
2. God has dealt to every person The Measure Of Faith. Rom 12:3
Those who deny 1) the evidence of God in Creation and snuff out 2) the MeasureOfFaith they have been given are the same people who do not respond to the Gospel or the Holy Spirit.
That is exactly what you see people doing.
There is nothing more "Sovereign" than that going on.
The simplicity of the Truth is mind-boggling, but there is no justification for rejecting the Word of God on the matter in favor of a construct ( Sovereignty + Predestination) based on Carnal Observation and Logic.
To a person who Knows God through the Word and the Holy Spirit by Christ Jesus, the existence of an "informed unbeliever" is unfathomable. How could anyone reject the Love and Grace of God that is given so freely, particularly in light of the fact that there is eternal destruction for such a choice! It makes no sense. There must be something wrong with them. God must have created them differently. They must not be chosen...etc...
But all that rationalizing is wrong. It ignores the Truth spelled out in the Word.
1. God loves everyone. Joh 3:16
2. Christ died for ALL men's sins. 1Jn 2:2
3. Preaching the Gospel is the vehicle by which people respond to the Truth and are born again. 1Co 1:21
4. Those who Receive Christ Jesus are Saved. Rom 10:9
5. Those who Reject Him are Lost. Joh 3:18
6. Everyone Dies and then the comes the judgment. Heb 9:27
7. Those Born Again by the Spirit of God enter into Heaven. Joh 3:5 Mat 25:21 Mat 25:34
8. Those who rejected the Gospel go to the Lake Of Fire. 2Th 1:8,9 Rev 20:12,15
I know we live in an excuse-making generation where everyone gets mutltiple chances and no one wants to criticise or condemn anyone, but there are no excuses in the Kingdom Of God. Entry into it is a Choice and every person will give an account for their Choice. No one will be able to point a finger at God in the judgment and say, "You made me this way, I couldn't help it". No one.