    [ Created: 2021-07-08 21:42:44  Updated: 2021-07-08 22:30:14   Owner: rl ]
Title: What is the proper response to Immorality    

Jesus forgives Sin. He doesn't condone it. - Randy Lucas

This quote is true because
1. Jesus died once for all Sin for all time. - Heb 7:27 Heb 9:12
2. God doesn't Change so His Moral Laws are still valid. - Mal 3:6

So, since Sin is still Sin, we should Condemn it, right?

Yes, we should Condemn Sin, but we should not Condemn the person who Sins.

"What does that mean?", you say.

It means that Sin should cease to exist. It should be destroyed from the lives of people. But those same people have already been Forgiven for those Sins... all except one.

What Sin has not been Forgiven? The Sin of separation from God by self-will. The Sin of not having come to God through Jesus Christ's shed blood and risen body.

But if we are Forgiven for Sin what about this verse:

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. - Rom 6:23

The key thing to notice about this verse is that it does not say: "the wages of Sin is eternal damnation" which would parallel the second part which says "the gift of God is EternalLife".

Sin, though Forgiven, exacts a toll on the one who Sins. God is not mad at the person who Sins. He is actually unaware of the Sin (Heb 10:17) seeing only the NewCreature that we are by His Spirit. Joh 3:5 Joh 1:12 Hos 1:10

The toll that is exacted for Sin is born in the Soul and Body - not the Spirit.
Mental, Emotional and Physical anguish occur when Sin is committed.

We should Condemn Sin (Rom 6:12) but Forgive the one who Sins (Mar 2:5) just as Jesus did (Joh 5:14) .

In conclusion...

We should never Condone Sin because of the damage it does to a person and the Society they live in.
But, every Sin except Unbelief has been Forgiven so we ought not Condemn a person of anything except Unbelief in Christ Jesus. (Joh 3:18)