[ Created: 2021-07-04 16:09:43  Updated: 2022-02-16 09:57:08 Owner: rl ]
Title: 85 essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison from 10/1787 - 5/1788     

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison were great men, great Americans.   

But they, like every other person, underestimated Satan.   

What has that got to do with the FederalistPapers?   Aren't the FederalistPapers Political arguments for ratifying the US Constitution.   

Their arguments were for a strong central Government.   

They believed that the checks and balances written into that Constitution, coupled with individual ambition and character would ensure that the Federal Government did not become oppressive over the people.   

So, the essays they wrote were to assure the Con-Federalists that their fears were unfounded in order for them to sign off on the Constitution.   

Their arguments were very good and they were successful in convincing the reluctant States to sign over autonomy to the Federal Government.   

However, there was a major flaw in their logic and it was found in their assumptions.   

What assumptions?   

1.   They assumed that people in Government would always honor their Creator and so have a moral compass to hold them back from gross Deceit and Manipulation.   

2.   They assumed that there would be no religion arise based on Licentiousness, Power and Greed which would bring its followers together to willingly give up their Rights and Freedoms

Assumption 1 was made based on the heavy Christian influence in early America.   We know how it was settled for Religious Freedom.   So, it was expected that the character of the American people and their representatives would remain strong - more interested in the good of the whole than for self.   

Assumption 2 was made based on their Sanity.   They could not fathom a Free, Christian, prosperous society being willing to relinquish their Rights and Freedoms to any Government since the History of mankind is rife with abusive Government.   Related to Assumption 1, they could not imaging a nonChristian people taking over the reins of Government.   

Satan is the prince and power of the air.   He is a master Deceiver.   He uses ideas and man's arrogance to feed him half-truths until he is able to slip the truth right out of the recipe.   

As we have seen Lies such as Evolution and ClimateChangeTheory as well as arguments for Abortion, Homosexuality, AffirmativeAction and CancelCulture transform our country, we retrrospectively see the power of our Enemy, Satan, to Steal, Kill and Destroy.   

Our FoundingFathers made one major mistake that opened the door for the gradual but inevitable theft of our nation.   

They did not insert a requirement for all people in that Government to be Bible-believing Christians.   

Many today would react to such a concept as enforcing a religious bias.   But the people of the late 1700's would have seen it for what it was - a preservation of our foundations as a people.   

Know you that the LORD he is God: it is he that has made us, and not we ourselves; we are his People, and the Sheep of his pasture. - Psm 100:3

America was given to Christians and built by them under His guidance with His Power and Strength.   

Our Constitution, as great as it is, needed the same injection of Faith in our Creator and His provision for our Freedom and Rights that the DeclarationOfIndependence did.   This omission is its greatest flaw.   

So, as we see today, Federalism without people of Faith at the helm is simply a ship adrift in the sea waiting till it crashes against a reef.   

What can we do to recover?   

We must Repent and return to the God who made us and revealed Himself to us in Christ Jesus and be filled with His HolySpirit.