[ Created: 2023-02-18 06:01:11  Updated: 2023-02-18 07:03:58 Owner: rl ]
Title: What people are thinking and how they live    


Humanity is the Lord's greatest creation and His prize possession.   

The Lord created man in His image and gave Him dominion over the most beautiful and luscious planet that science has yet to discover .   

If you have any doubt about that just consider that He stepped down from His glory in heaven to become one of us in order to die for us so that we can be reconciled to Him .   

The Climate Of Public Opinion And Life that our Creator has prescribed for us is one of eternal, abundant life in freedom, peace, joy and love .    This climate comes to us in intimate, personal relationship with Him by His indwelling Spirit and knowledge of His Word.   

But along came the enemy, Satan.   

Satan has one objective: to steal, kill and destroy what our Creator has provided for us.   

What does Satan's Climate Of Public Opinion And Life look like?   
Hatred, violence, greed, anguish, sickness and death.   

But, you can't sell that product.   
So he must deceive in order to bring individuals, families, communities, nations and the world into bondage.   

Instead of admitting his scheme to change the Climate Of Public Opinion And Life he uses the (false and impossible to verify) tool of weather Climate Change to move humans from faith in the Lord to faith in the elites.   

But Climate Change is not his only tool.   He is at the head of the Seven Mountains of influence using that influence to change the Climate Of Public Opinion And Life around the world.   
Education - Evolution Theory, atheism and depravity
Media - information control and propaganda
Sports - diversion from the real issues of life
Government - a surrogate provider, healer, savior and god
Corporations - strongholds of elitism
Religion - tradition denying the power of the HolySpirit
Family - destruction of it and the fabric of society

We cannot please both our Creator and our enemy, Satan.   We cannot choose death and experience life.   

We must choose real, eternal, abundant life that is found In Christ Jesus or we will be destroyed by our enemy, the great deceiver.