    [ Created: 2021-07-01 08:56:59  Updated: 2021-07-01 16:40:43   Owner: rl ]
Title: Truth from the Spirit Realm    

God is a Spirit.

All things exist by Him. He is the architect and the builder. Furthermore, He created all the materials needed to form Heaven and Earth.

So, whatever God has ordained from His Heart and Mind in the SpiritRealm is SpiritualTruth. It cannot be denied nor thwarted.

His Word contains all the SpiritualTruth necessary for us to operate in this life efficiently and powerfully in prosperity. 2Pe 1:3 Eph 1:3

Those who ignore SpiritualTruth systematically destroy themselves. Rebellion against SpiritualTruth is Sin and the wages of Sin is Death. Rom 6:23

To be CarnalMinded is to focus on PhysicalTruth to the exclusion of SpiritualTruth.

To be SpirituallyMinded is to focus on SpiritualTruth to the exclusion of PhysicalTruth.

SpiritualTruth trumps PhysicalTruth! (see JesusMiracles)

SpiritualTruth comes from the Word of God but it must be understood by Spiritual Revelation. Eph 3:3 Eph 1:17

Otherwise, the hearer has ears to hear but hears not and eyes to see but sees not. Mat 13:15

In essence is person who is ignorant of or ingnores SpiritualTruth is Blind and Lost in the most meaningful sense. Luk 19:10

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? - Mar 8:36

A person's Soul is Lost when they are born into the World. A CarnalMinded individual will never recover from the Lost state on his own. Psalm 51:5 Act 2:38 Act 4:12

So, coming to the Revelation that Jesus Christ is God who sacrificed Himself for the remission of person Sin is critical for a person to become Found. Act 4:12

But even after they are BornAgain of the HolySpirit they must have a LoveOfTheTruth and spend time in the Word and Praying in the Spirit in order to enter into all SpiritualTruth. 2Pe 3:18 Eph 1:18

But you have an unction from the Holy One, and you know all things. - 1Jn 2:20

This 'unction' is the Annointing of the HolySpirit who reveals 'all things' - SpiritualTruth.

Jesus walked in SpiritualTruth. He spent time studying the Word of God and He spent time Praying and Listening to God (the HolySpirit).

He is the SonOfGod and He is the first of many Sons, Heb 2:10 Rom 8:14 Joh 1:12

So, as Sons of God we should be like Jesus: living, breathing, thinking, walking and talking from SpiritualTruth.

In so doing we manifest as the Light of the World. Mat 5:14

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. - Rom 8:6