Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. - Luk 10:2
Jesus is telling His Disciples (and us today) that there is a great Harvest of Souls to be reaped; that the LordOfTheHarvest sends laborers into the fields to reap the Harvest; and that we should Pray to the LordOfTheHarvest to send those laborers.
Who is it that inspires, motivates and empowers us? The HolySpirit.
So, when we are praying for the Souls of mankind, individually or collectively, we need to Pray to the HolySpirit who is in charge of the Harvest.
If this seems strange to you, understand that the Father has committed all things pertinent to Salvation to Christ Jesus.
Jesus said He would Pray the Father and the Father would send the HolySpirit.
Now Jesus is commissioning the HolySpirit to lead the Harvest of Souls for which He died and rose again to make possible.
God is One. However, how we interact with the Father, Son and HolySpirit is important. We may not understand the nature of the Trinity but there is an obvious orchestration among the persons.
Jesus is in Heaven at the right of the Majesty. He told us that He must go away so that the Father would send the HolySpirit who would empower us to do the work of the Harvest.
We Pray in Jesus' name. He is our anchor with the Godhead. We come to the Father in the name of Jesus and by His name we come boldly to the throne of Grace.
Similarly, we Receive and are baptised in the HolySpirit in the name of Jesus. The HolySpirit in us teaches us of Jesus and empowers us to accomplish Jesus' plan for our lives.
God is our Father, the one who gives us Physical and Spiritual Life.
Jesus is our mediator and advocate with the Father who enables us to be the Righteousness of God.
The HolySpirit is God in us to manifest the Glory and Works of God.
Again, talk to the LordOfTheHarvest, the HolySpirit, about the needs of individual people and Humanity as a whole. He is in charge until Jesus returns.