[ Created: 2021-06-29 07:57:02  Updated: 2022-02-03 13:19:04 Owner: rl ]
Title: Denying Christ or Proclaiming Christ     

But whoever shall Deny me before men, him Will I also Deny before my Father which is in Heaven. - Mat 10:33
Jesus is saying that to willfully and verbally Deny Him before men is the UnpardonableSin.     
He states that our words against Him requires Him to speak against us to the Father.     If Jesus is not a person's Advocate before the Father they are condemned to the LakeOfFire Mat 12:32.     

Faithfulness is a characteristic of God.     If Faithfulness is not a part of our Character we will Deny Him eventually.     A person's denial of Him will require His denial of them.

To be in a position to Deny Christ means that you are in a defensive position.   It means that someone else is in control.   

Peter was not the only Disciple to Deny Jesus.   All but John ran and hid so they would not have to be identified with Christ.   

A quiet Believer is only marginally better than an Unbeliever.   How so?   

A Believer who does not Understand their Responsibility to be a Witness for Christ does not Understand what it means to be a Christian.   

I hear some saying "I am a Witness by living a good life".   A Witness to what?   A good person, a good Hindu, a good Buddhist?   A good Atheist?   

That doesn't cut it.   
If that is your attitude you will simply not Overcome when the heat is on.   

And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony; and they Loved not their Lives unto the Death. - Rev 12:11
This is one of the most important verses in the book of Revelation for each of us personally.     

We overcome by two actions and one attitude.     The two actions;
1) Jesus shed Blood
2) Our Testimony.     

The one attitude is
1) Being willing to Die for Christ's sake.

We are called to be Light and Salt, not just to live "better" lives.   

You are the Light of the World.     A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. - Mat 5:14
Jesus is the Light and by receiving Him through the NewBirth by the HolySpirit we become Light.     

We ought to recognize the Responsibility upon us to let our Light shine.

Light is more powerful than Darkness because Darkness exists only when there is no Light.   

And he said unto them, Go you into all the World, and Preach the Gospel to every Creature. - Mar 16:15
This is the GreatCommission.     It is still in force.     We are expected to carry the Gospel to every Creature.     Jesus did not expect every person to Believe, but He wants us to make sure all Nations hear the Gospel as it is a criteria for His Return.

Heal the Sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the Dead, cast out devils: Freely you have Received, Freely Give. - Mat 10:8
This command is His Disciples.     Disciples listen to their Master, receive His Words iinto their Hearts and then the do what He has commanded.

In these verses we see the marching orders for the Church.   We are to control the World rather than be controlled by it.   

But you are a Chosen generation, a Royal Priesthood, an Holy Nation, a peculiar People; that you should show forth the Praises of him who has Called you out of Darkness into his marvellous Light: - 1Pe 2:9
We are now SonsOfGod and joint Heirs with Christ Jesus of all that the Father has.     By the Power of the HolySpirit in us we show forth His Praises who has so elevated us.

Beloved, now are we the Sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we Know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall See him as he is. - 1Jn 3:2
We are Now SonsOfGod even in these mortal bodies.     What Glory we will experience in the Translation at His appearing.     

The 'appearing' of Christ has a two-fold meaning.     Obviously, Jesus will Return with every eye seeing Him and with us being Translated from corruptible to incorruptible.     

But there is a second meaning to Christ's appearing and that has to do with the Revelation of our Identity in Christ.     

When we begin to see ourselves as NewSpirit beings empowered by the HolySpirit we become like Christ Jesus.     The MindOfChrist becomes our Mind with the associated Manifestation of His Power and His Authority.     - Phi 2:5 Phi 3:15

We see that we are royalty, priestly sons of God.   

And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth. - Mat 28:18
Jesus received Power and Authority over Heaven and Earth upon His Resurrection.     
1) He reclaimed His seat with the Father from where He had come.     
2) He regained Dominion over the Earth for man, stripping it from Satan.

These shall make War with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall Overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are Called, and Chosen, and Faithful. - Rev 17:14
The Beast and his supporting World leaders will come against Christ but He will destroy them.

Christ has all power, He is King, He is Lord.   

And if Children, then heirs; Heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we Suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. - Rom 8:17
JointHeirs means that we share in all things - the Glory and the Persecution.

And we are joint heirs with Christ of His Power if we manifest His Light through us to the World.   

Understanding our Commission and Seeing the Glory that God has raised us to, why would we ever be in a position to Deny Christ?   

It happens because of Unbelief.   A person who does not Believe who they are in Christ Jesus will be weak and defensive.   

A person who is in Faith will proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ with Confidence and Power.   

If you wonder whether you will be able to withstand the attack of the Enemy and not Deny Christ, I can assure you, you will Deny Him.   

A soldier who is properly prepared for battle never drops his shield.   He never stops wielding his sword.   He never stops advancing.   

Are you properly prepared for battle?   

Wherefore take unto you the Whole Armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the Evil day, and having done all, to Stand. - Eph 6:13
We need the Whole Armour of God in order to be able to Stand but when we are equipped with it we are commanded to Stand.     We are not to Compromise.     We are not to back down.     We are to simply Stand our Ground.

This verse tells us how to prepare.   Note that you will not be able to withstand the attacks of the Enemy without it.   

"The best defense is a good offense"

The above adage is not from the Bible - directly.   However it is the principle by which Satan works against Humanity.   It is also the principle by which Christ Jesus expects His Church to operate for Humanity.   

And I Say also unto you, That you are Peter, and upon this Rock I Will build my Church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. - Mat 16:18
The Rock is 'the Testimony of Jesus Christ'.     It is what Saves us and enables us to Overcome.     Rev 12:11

The Church is the Body of all Believers in Christ Jesus.     The Body is made up of people with 'the Testimony of Jesus Christ'.     

The GatesOfHell will not withstand the Church when the Church wields its Testimony.

The testimony of Jesus Christ is the rock that will burst open the gates of Hell.   Jesus expects us to attack the stronghold of the Enemy.   

We are not suppose to be on the defensive.   

So, rather than being Weak and in jeopardy of denying Christ we ought to be Strong in the Power of His Might proclaiming the Gospel to every person.