    [ Created: 2021-06-26 12:40:05  Updated: 2021-06-27 07:58:28   Owner: rl ]
Title: The Sleep from which there is no waking up    

Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; - Psm 13:3

In Psalms 13:1-* David is beset by enemies from which he can See not escape through his own strength. He calls on God for Deliverance.

David is not concerned about SpiritualDeath. It is PhysicalDeath that he is asking God to Deliver him from.

Just as David, we all want to escape the Physical SleepOfDeath as long as possible. Our Lord promised us that our Faith in Him would enable us to escape the Physical SleepOfDeath.

But Christians die all the time you Say. Not the way an Unbeliever does.

Those who die in Christ pass peacefully into Paradise having the assurance of a glorious, blissful Resurrection. Those who die without Christ die in agony and Fear anticipating immediate entry into hades followed by a resurrection to Damnation.

There is a Spiritual SleepOfDeath that is more Fearful than the Physical one.

Spiritual SleepOfDeath is characterized by Ignorance of, disinterest in, or disdain for, the things of God. It is the state of the Lost.

When ignorance is the reason for Spiritual SleepOfDeath the hope is that someone will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them and ignite the fire of Faith in God in them.

When disinterest is the reason for the Spiritual SleepOfDeath the hope is that something will happen in their lives to awaken them to their need for God.

When disdain is the reason for the Spiritual SleepOfDeath the hope is that something will shock them into humility so that the Word of God can be heard, Received and Believed.

Whether a person is ignorant of, disinterested in or has disdain for the things of God, they are in danger of Eternal SleepOfDeath. Once they sleep the Physical SleepOfDeath there is no hope of awakening from Spiritual SleepOfDeath.

Whereas those of us who have Received Christ Jesus have been forever delivered from the Spiritual SleepOfDeath.

Always remember that nothing really separates People except the Spiritual SleepOfDeath, while we are alive Physically and when we die Physically.

We are commanded by our Lord to Preach the Gospel to every Creature. The purpose of preaching, teaching, witnessing, and singing the Gospel is to awaken people from the Spiritual SleepOfDeath before it is too late.

Nations have life defined by the people of that Nation. The Character of its people give the nation a national character.

Nations like people have a PhysicalLife and a SpiritualLife.

The PhysicalLife of a Nation is its land, its Sovereignty, its Government, its Laws and the Society that constitutes it.

The SpiritualLife of a Nation is a projection of the SpiritualLife of its People.

In the same way that the SpiritualLife (or lack thereof) determines an Individual's Strength, stability and Future, so too the SpiritualLife of a Nation determines its Strength, stability and Future.

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. - Psm 9:17

Hell is a place of destruction due to separation from God. The above verse is a warning to us individually and as a Nation.

Looking at the historical events of the Bible we See how Israel was cyclically turned into Hell so that a generation of people were Lost. When they repented a Righteous leader arose to bring them out of Hell (bondage to an enemy nation) and into Peace and Prosperity.

Unlike Israel, America does not have the promise of God underwriting its Eternal existence.

b Hence, there is no reason to expect that America will rise from Hell once it enters it. To be clear, when our nation is taken over by enemies (foreign and domestic) it Will likely be the eternal end of us. There will be no redemption, no resurrection.

We have been a SheepNation. We may already have become a GoatNation. Politically we are a GoatNation. Morally we are a GoatNation. Socially we are a GoatNation Spiritually we are virtually a GoatNation.

When Christ Returns He will destroy all the GoatNations and will allow the SheepNations to continue under His Authority during the MillenealKingdom.

As said above, the people of a nation determine its character. If the people in aggregate are Sheep the nation is a SheepNation. If the people in aggregate are Goats the Nation is a GoatNation.

Is America already dead? Are our Political efforts to revive her futile?

When a person's heart stops beating and their lungs stop expanding and contracting they are dead. When a person's heart starts fibrulating it is not pumping lood. It is simply thrashing out of control. Unless the heart is defibrulated the person will die.

The lifeblood of America is its commitment to the God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Implicit in this is our acknowledgment of and dependence on God.

As our nation has turned its back on God, defining Him as an enemy of Society because of His divisiveness (His definition of sin and the alternative lifestyles built on sin), we have cut off our lifeblood.

We are in fibrulation at the moment. Unless we are defibrulated (shocked back into its senses) we will die as a nation.

Are we teminal? That is up to the Christians in the land. It was Christians that fought for Independence from GreatBritain. It is up to the Christians in America to destroy the Evil that is destroying the nation.

Will we? I don't believe so because there is no mention of America in the book of Revelation. The fact that the SevenMountains of Influence are controlled by Goats is the reason for my opinion.

Unless the Goats are removed from control, there will be no change in direction. We will continue to fibrulate until we are dead as a nation, never to rise again.