[ Created: 2021-06-17 12:31:31  Updated: 2023-04-13 08:45:02 Owner: rl ]
Title: Where the things for Abundant Life are stored    


Heaven is the Spirit Realm from where the Holy Spirit eminates.   
And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
The New Spirit that we are In Christ is sitting in heaven in Christ in the Holy Spirit.     We are now One with Him in the Spirit Realm (heaven) .     

But to a large extent this new status is just potential as far as the Physical Realm is concerned.     

The challenge for each believer is to enable the New Spirit being to manifest in our thoughts, speech and deeds.     

This requires an act of our will for our minds to be transformed to the Mind Of Christ .     

To the extent that we allow the Word and Holy Spirit to renew our minds is the extent to which we manifest as Sons Of The Holy Spirit operating in the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit and so experiencing Abundant Life .     

Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
Why was it so important that Christ Jesus leave?     
So, that the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon us and into us .     

Where are heavenly places?     
Heaven is the Spirit Realm where the Holy Spirit is predominant.     

All the blessings that have been made available to us In Christ are in the Holy Spirit who is in us.     So, in some sense, we already have everything we will ever need inside of us.     

When we realize the extent of the Lord's blessings upon us we cannot help but worship Him.     

Spiritual blessings are rights and privileges which open the door to specific blessings.     
    We are accepted in the Beloved .     
    We can come boldly to the throne of Grace .     
    All our needs are have been met by His riches .     

Faith in Christ's provision enables us to take from His bountiful table of blessings the specific blessing that we need for the hour.     

Grace provides, Faith appropriates.