For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. -
We all have been given a MeasureOfFaith.
The question is: What will we do with it?
If we exercise it properly it will grow. If we do not it will diminish to the point if non-existence.
The Faith that brings us to saving Grace is this gift of the MeasureOfFaith.
For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: -
Those who reject the Gospel begin a slide toward a Reprobate Mind.
Those who Receive Christ Jesus are filled with the Holy Spirit who manifests the fruit of Faith along with other fruit.
Praying in the Holy Spirit builds our Faith towards it becoming Resolute Faith.
Resolute Faith enables a person to operate on the Authority of the Word under the Power and Leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Well, what about Information?
Information is not the same as Truth. Information is based on experience and observation. "Seeing is not believing!", furthermore "Experiencing is not believing".
The problem with all Information is that it is an incomplete, if not false, picture. It is tainted by perspective, subjectivity, wrong conclusions as well as 'dis' and 'mis' Information.
God forbid: yes, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged. -
The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to pen these words for the very reasons cited above. Information in and of itself is unreliable.
Unfortunately, Christianity has much Tradition based on Information that does not come from and is actually counter to the Word Of God.
In mathematics, you cannot prove anything by citing examples. You must have a logical construct based on proven things to underpin the proposed theory before it is deemed reliable,
Mathematics is actually a godly discipline. We need such rigor in the 'Faith' community.
Remember, Faith is a gift from God which is ignited by the preaching of the Word and is built up by communicating with God in the Holy Spirit. ( )
What is the foundation for your convictions? Information or Faith?
If you 'believe' based on what you have seen, heard or experienced outside of the Word and Spirit of God I can assure you, you are Deceived.
Job believed that God had arbitrarily turned on Him because of the attacks of Satan in his life. That 'belief' was based on Information and it was wrong.
When God spoke to Him our of a whirlwind, he understood his error in attributing Evil to God.
You don't need to wait for a whirlwind experience to Know the Truth. Jesus is the Truth and He spoke the Truth. He told us to live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Repent of doubting God. Repent of doubting His Word. Repent of walking by Sight. Repent of trusting Information over Relationship.
Renew your Relationship with God. Determine that you will have Faith in Him, that you will Trust Him implicitly.
Let the Faith Of Christ be your Faith. Let His Mind be in you. Let that which Christ has layed up for you in Heavenly Places be your supply. Appropriate that supply by Faith in the Relationship that you have with Him by the Holy Spirit ( Christ) in you!