Dogmatic has gained a negative connotation over the years as Society has moved away from Absolutes.
Dogmatic is now associated with close-mindedness, severity and even cruelty.
But as we look at the Bible and the men and women who excelled with God we see them being Dogmatic about their Faith and Convictions.
God is Dogmatic. He gave the Law to Moses unapologetically. The words 'thou shalt' have been and will forever be associated with His Law.
Furthermore, the penalty for breaking His Laws was Death. Why? Because an individual's Sin does not just affect them. It affects their Community.
Leniency has become the order of our day. Second, third, fourth... 'you count them' chances are offered to individuals who violate the Law.
Has God changed His position? (on anything?)
How do you balance Mercy and Judgment? If Mercy is the order of the day there is no Judgment. If Judgment is the order of the day there is no Mercy.
Let's step away from God's Law and look at man's law.
"Equal protection under the law."
"Equal application of the law."
These are Constitutional concepts.
However, we do not see either one of these principles in our Society today.
We see people in Government surrounding themselves with security and their 'crimes' simply ignored. While rank and file Americans are increasingly being left to protect themselves against lawbreakers while being made the criminal if they defend their rights.
Obviously there is nothing Dogmatic about how we implement man's law.
So, we have been conditioned by that negative experience to believe that God is just as inconsistent in showing respect of persons.
Wrong. God is Righteous and Holy and Faithful. It is impossible for Him to be inequitable, unfair and preferential.
We ought to be like God.
This means we don't make laws or rules that we are not going to enforce.
It means that we enforce those laws and rules rigorously and equally.
It means that we teach our children the lawa and the penalties for breaking them.
Furthermore we explain to them why the law or rule is necessary.
But what about the mess of laws and regulations that our Government has strung together?
You can't be Dogmatic about laws and rules that you can't understand.
Virtually every law sitting on the Constitution is unnecessary and should be repealed. (How many of such laws have a positive effect om you from day to day?)
By simplifying our laws and rules, keeping only those we understand and can be Dogmatic about, we will clean up and strengthen our Society.
In conclusion, Dogmatic is not a bad word communicating close-mindedness and cruelty. It is a good word when the laws and rules are Good.
The Bible and the Constitution are Good. They are acceptable for Doctrine.
Being Dogmatic about them will serve to promote Order, Character development, and a strong Individual, Family, Church, Community and Nation.