Imagining, designing, building and creating are exciting - maintaining, not so much so.
The problem with Maintenance is that there is nothing new to show for the effort. You are simply preserving the state of something.
Unlike making something new that people will notice and possibly admire, many times the effort put into Maintenance is totally ignored and taken for granted.
But the reality is that anything worth saving demands periodic Maintenance.
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
That statement is not Scripture but it is true. In what sense?
Cleanliness is Maintenance of person's physical appearance and health.
Godliness is Maintenance of a person's Relationship with God through His Word and His Spirit.
Just as your Pyhysical appearance and Health detriorate without regular Maintenance, so does your Spiritual appearance and Health deteriorate without regular Maintenance.
Are you taking a bath regularly? Brushing your teeth regularly? Combing your hair regularly? Changing your clothes regularly?
If not, others will notice your deterioration in their presence. You will find yourself avoided because of the negative impressions that you make.
If you are not being 'washed by the water of the Word' (Eph 5:26) you will be Spiritually dirty. If you are not looking into the "mirror of God's Word" (Jam 1:25) and "meditating upon God's Word" (Psm 1:2) it is a certainty that there are some specs on your face from which anyone looking at you can not turn their attention.
If you are not 'praying in the Spirit' (Jud 1:20) you will be going in the wrong direction or at least going in circles.
Our Physicals bodies will be replaced one of these days. Maintenance of our Physical bodies is therefore vanity at some level.
Our Mind and Heart determine the character of our Soul and the person we project to others. In order for us to experience AbundantLife and to be effective for Christ we must have the MindOfChrist and make the Maintenance of the MindOfChrist our most serious commitment.
To do so, requires quality time with the Lord though His Word and Spirit.
Don't stink Physically and for Christ's sake don't stink Spiritually!