[ Created: 2021-05-29 19:28:34  Updated: 2021-05-29 19:28:56 Owner: rl ]
Title: Generating Wealth and Increase    



References (35) to 'Productive'
1 - You've Already Got It!      You've already got everything you need
2 - Faith - Filled Words Power Of Faith-Filled Words
4 - Harnessing Emotions Harnessing Your Emotions
Black Culture What has held black people back - it is not Racism
Bureaucrat A person who is employed by the Government or one who encourages Government employment
Collective A group of connected individuals projecting a group identify
Conservative Arts Biblically based Education
Curriculum A plan for preparing students for success
Discrimination Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.     - Discernment - Judgment
10  Eating Your Seed The opportunity cost of eating your seed
11  Fascism Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society
12  Fruitfulness The state of being Productive
13  Great Society A secular attempt to eliminate poverty and injustice
14  GWB George W Bush
15  Health Care Doctor and hospital visits, therapy and medication
16  Heart Abundance Having a full heart
17  Hitler He wasn't such a bad guy after all, was he?
18  Homeless No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family
19  Inspired The Bible is Inspired by God
20  Laziness Prone to not being Productive
21  Lost Apart from God
22  Love At First Sight A superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge
23  Memorial Day The day we honor those who gave their lives in battle for our Freedom
24  Offence Injury inflicted by another
25  Omnibus A single vehicle for transportation
26  Pelosium New element discovered
27  Productive Generating Wealth and Increase
28  Progressive Kind word for Socialism
29  Slavery Under the control of an owner - not Free
30  Socialism The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism
31  Sorry Person A person who does not support himself or his family
32  Two Americas There are two Americas and they are divisible
33  Understand To grasp the implication of information
34  Welfare Take from the haves and give to the have-nots
35  Western Civilization White European Christian Religion, Government and Society