# | Item | Description |
1 | 1 - You've Already Got It! | You've already got everything you need |
2 | 2 - Faith - Filled Words | Power Of Faith-Filled Words |
3 | 4 - Harnessing Emotions | Harnessing Your Emotions |
4 | Black Culture | What has held black people back - it is not Racism |
5 | Bureaucrat | A person who is employed by the Government or one who encourages Government employment |
6 | Collective | A group of connected individuals projecting a group identify |
7 | Conservative Arts | Biblically based Education |
8 | Curriculum | A plan for preparing students for success |
9 | Discrimination | Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. - Discernment - Judgment |
10 | Eating Your Seed | The opportunity cost of eating your seed |
11 | Fascism | Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society |
12 | Fruitfulness | The state of being Productive |
13 | Great Society | A secular attempt to eliminate poverty and injustice |
14 | GWB | George W Bush |
15 | Health Care | Doctor and hospital visits, therapy and medication |
16 | Heart Abundance | Having a full heart |
17 | Hitler | He wasn't such a bad guy after all, was he? |
18 | Homeless | No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family |
19 | Inspired | The Bible is Inspired by God |
20 | Laziness | Prone to not being Productive |
21 | Lost | Apart from God |
22 | Love At First Sight | A superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge |
23 | Memorial Day | The day we honor those who gave their lives in battle for our Freedom |
24 | Offence | Injury inflicted by another |
25 | Omnibus | A single vehicle for transportation |
26 | Pelosium | New element discovered |
27 | Productive | Generating Wealth and Increase |
28 | Progressive | Kind word for Socialism |
29 | Slavery | Under the control of an owner - not Free |
30 | Socialism | The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism |
31 | Sorry Person | A person who does not support himself or his family |
32 | Two Americas | There are two Americas and they are divisible |
33 | Understand | To grasp the implication of information |
34 | Welfare | Take from the haves and give to the have-nots |
35 | Western Civilization | White European Christian Religion, Government and Society |