| 'Baptize' simply means to 'immerse'.
It's only connection to water is by tradition.
Historically, water has been used in purification rites. When John the Baptist came along water baptizing people it became a popular sign of repentance and purification.
But purification of the body does nothing for the Sin Nature which is the dead spirit of the unconverted.
We are saved by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus. The only physical act that is required for us to be Born Again as New Spirit beings is that we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour and that He raised Himself from the dead.
The physical act of Water Baptism has no efficacy. It is simply a public witness to the fact that one has been Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ.
So, what does immersion into the name of Jesus Christ mean?
It means that
→ we forsake all preconceived notions of 'God'
→ we accept Jesus as the revelation of 'God'
→ we receive His Words
→ we become His disciple
→ we fully believe that Jesus Is Lord
→ we receive His Holy Spirit, the Spirit Of Christ Jesus
→ we fellowship with Jesus in His Holy Spirit
→ we serve Jesus in the power of His Holy Spirit