    [ Created: 2021-05-28 17:48:35  Updated: 2021-06-07 23:36:09   Owner: rl ]
Title: A group of connected individuals projecting a group identify    

A Family is a Collective.

A Church is a Collective.

A Religion is a Collective.

A Company is a Collective.

A Team is a Collective.

A Nation is a Collective.

A Race is a Collective.

A Gender is a Collective.

So, we are at all times in virtually every way manifesting as Individuals and as a members of Collectives.

Stereotyping has been demonized by modern Socialism while all the while identifying every Individual as a member of Collectives for Political purposes.

No one wants to be seen solely as a member of a Collective. This despite the fact that they defend those Collectives to which they belong.

Every Individual in a Collective revels in the success of the Collective and the benefits they derive from it.

However, there is a tremendous push-back by the Individuals in a Collective to accept the Responsibility of the Collective.

An example of an Individual receiving the Benefits of the Collective yet rejecting personal Responsibility to the Collective is a young adult, raised in a good family, who turns to drug abuse or simply refuses to become a productive member of society.

Another example is how many American Citizens receive the Benefits of their heritage yet are quick to turn their backs on the Principles upon which is it founded.

We all know from Team Sports that when the Team wins, all the Team members win and when the Team loses, all the Team members lose.

When the players are on the field they have to support the Team by playing their position to the best of their ability. A great play by an Individual can Win the game for the Team. An erro by an Individual can cause the Team to Lose.

In the 'me' generation, it is almost heretical to mention an Individual's Responsibility to each of the Teams (Collectives) that they are members of.

When the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki many 'innocent' Japanese people lost their lives. Why? Because they were members of the Japanese Collective.

When America (and the Allies) won WWII there were many despicable people in the west who benefited from that victory.

So, fairness gets muddled in the process of Collective results. Barry Sanders ran for over 100 yards in many games that his Team lost. Was that fair?

Good Companies have been sued and disbanded because of the failings of a single Individual leaving hard-working, honest Individuals without a job and lost retirement benefits. Is that fair?

Churches with many devout Christians have disbanded due to the discovery of wrongdoing by the Minister. Is that fair?

Journeymen athletes with one year contracts have ended up on the benches of championship Teams only to receive the same ring and financial rewards that players who actually played and won the game by their efforts. Is that fair?

When we look at Scriptures, we see several examples where the innocent suffer the consequences of actions by the guilty (Jos 7:1-12 for example). Is that fair?

So, the word 'fair' should never be used because it implies each of us deserves something. What do we deserve? Nothing. Everything is a gift or a wage.

The word that is avoided today is Responsibility. I am Responsible for each of the Collectives of which I am a member. I am Respobnsible for supporting the Collective and I am Responsible for not damaging the Collective.

Throughout the Bible we see where God is the God of Accountability which is the reckoning of our attention to or avoidance of Responsibility.

"No man is an island". This short phrase speaks to the fact that we are members of Collectives. It is time for us to assess the Collectives to which we are joined, leave those which are not Good and invest ourselves in those which are Good.

Your Family, Race and Gender Collectives were thrust upon you. You must seek to do the best you can in those Collectives to improve the Collective identity.

The most important Collective known to mankind is the Body of Christ. In that Collective all other Collectives become insignificant.

A person becomes a member of the Body of Christ Collective by receiving Christ Jesus by Faith in His finished work. In this Collective we are supernaturally empowered to support the 'Team' and we are commanded by the Team leader to be 'witnesses unto Him'.

May God help us to pour ourselves into this Collective to the edification of all those already members and to do everything we can by the Power of the HolySpirit to make Disciples of those who are not.