    [ Created: 2021-05-20 08:02:18  Updated: 2021-05-20 08:59:55   Owner: rl ]
Title: The third great awakening    

Andrew Womack tells of how the Lord revealed to him on March 5 of 2021 that we are already in a third great awakening.

In order for you and me to be awakened we must come to the realization we are missing the mark and need to Repent.

By Repentance I am not talking about crying and wailing before God for forgiveness. We are already forgiven.

I am talking about changing our thinking, changing our minds.

Changing our thinking about what? The Bible.

SecularHumanism has been redefining Good and Evil in conflict with the Biblical definitions.

Many good words have been redefined by the forces of Satan to confuse and deceive the masses.

Reason has been inordinately elevated above Revelation.

Popular opinion has been swayed by demagoques.

Popular opinion has been allowed to define Good and Evil.

Love has been defined to include enablement and tolerance of Evil.

So, the Repentance I am talking about is essentially rejecting popular opinion and the new social norms that have been built around that opionion.

In favor of what? The Bible - the Word of God.

God forbid: yes, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged. - Rom 3:4

The Word of God is necessary for Life. Rejection of the Word of God leads to Death.

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. - Mat 4:4

Let's get specific:

Abortion is Murder.

Homosexuality is an Abomination.

Being 'woke' to a Lie is being Deceived.

Hell is as real as Heaven.

Jesus is the only door to EternalLife.

The Earth is the Lord's and Christians are heirs of all the things of God. So, Unbelievers are squatters on anything that they hold.

Freedom is not negotiable because it is the gift of God.

Accountability is of God and is necessary for Order.

Fear is a sign of Unbelief.

Trusting anything or anyone above God is Idolatry.

Jesus is the Incarnate Word of God.

The Bible is the WrittenWord of God.

I tell you, No: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish. - Luk 13:3

John came preaching Repentance. Jesus came preaching Repentance. The extent of GreatAwakening3 will be the extent to which people are willing to Repent.

Some people repented during John and Jesus' ministries. Most did not. In the early Church the preaching of the Gospel (Repentance and Life) resulted in the number of believers increasing steadily. It took centuries before Europe was Christian in character.

There was a great awakening in the first century A.D. But only those who believed the Gospel were part of it.

GreatAwakening1 and GreatAwakening2 changed America by setting things in motion. GreatAwakening3 will set things in motion back to God. Will there be a global effect? Maybe so, maybe no. But for those who Repent and Receive the Gospel it will be glorious.