Rust happens LittleByLittle.
Erosion happens LittleByLittle.
Rotting happens LittleByLittle.
Aging happens LittleByLittle.
Plants grow LittleByLittle.
Animals grow LittleByLittle.
Businesses grow LittleByLittle.
Education happens LittleByLittle.
Experience happens LittleByLittle.
So, we accept the destructive and constructive processes of life which happen LittleByLittle because that is the way of the world.
Just as all the things in Nature are put there by God to teach us important truths, so is the principle of LittleByLittle.
When we are young we grow LittleByLittle from an immature state to a more mature state.
When we pass the physical high point of our lives we begin to deteriorate LittleByLittle. There are things we can do to slow the deterioration process but it is unavoidable.
When we come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour we are immature and ignorant of Spiritual matters.
As we spend time in the Word, in Prayer and in Fellowship with other Believers we grow in the Knowledge of Christ Jesus. And this is independent of our age or physical state.
When we stop spending time in the Word, in Prayer and in Fellowship with other Believers we begin to deteriorate Spiritually.
When we listen to that which agrees with Scripture we grow in God.
When we listen to that which violates Scripture we grow away from God.
So, our orientation and our attention determine whether the LittleByLittle process tends toward Life or tends toward Death.
Enlightenment is a LittleByLittle process.
Deception is a LittleByLittle process.
To be Enlightened requires the Light of the Truth of God in Christ Jesus.
To be Deceived requires the Darkness of the Lies of Satan.
A person does not become an alcoholic after one drink.
A person does not become a drug addict after one hit.
But, at some point the error in judgment combined with the Physical and Psychological hooks manifest the LittleByLittle process of destroying a life.
When we listen to Liars and Deceivers we are somewhat like the drug addict who listens to the pusher. Eventually, LittleByLittle we become Deceived.
This insidious Deception has resulted in a weak Church. The PowerfulTruths of Jesus Christ have given way to platitudes and 'some glad day' Theology.
Whatever we are giving our Focus and attention to, will LittleByLittle determine the person we become.
Repentance is the active, intentional decision to choose Life (Deu 30:19.) Dedication is the quality of committing to Life. Determination is the quality of staying the course.
So, commit to continue growing in Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ (2Pe 3:18) and in Fellowship with the HolySpirit (Jud 1:20.) LittleByLittle you will be Transformed from Glory to Glory (2Co 3:18.)