After almost 2000 years of exposure to pagan elements it is not surprising that nominal Christianity bears little resemblance to its roots.
Furthermore, for much of the history of Christianity it has been governed by men rather than the Word Of The Lord and The Spirit Of The Lord.
To understand what is wrong with nominal Christianity we need to be clear on what pure Christianity looks like.
Pure Christianity is all about:
→ The Lord Jesus Christ
→ Faith in His Deity
→ Faith in His Words
→ Faith in His Resurrection
→ Jesus` ownership of heaven and earth
→ Salvation by GraceThrough Faith
and about:
→ The indwelling Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus
→ Believers being Sons Of The Holy Spirit
→ Believers being Joint Heirs with Christ Jesus
→ Power to heal, deliver and to bind
→ Authority to heal, deliver and to bind
→ Commission to convert the world by the Gospel
→ Faith in Jesus` return
Nominal Christianity is virtually polytheistic in its trinitarianism. It denies polytheism but effectively treats Jesus as ONLY the Son of a higher God (whom no one knows but believes He exists).
Nominal Christianity denies the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus (who is imparted to His believers) as being the Father of Jesus Christ. In so denying they deny the power that Christ Jesus sacrificed Himself to provide for us - His Holy Spirit Father in us and us in Him.
Many Christians pray to `God` when Jesus taught us to pray to our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus by whom and in whom we are baptised into the Body Of Christ.
Most Christians do not believe that asking in faith is sufficient to receive.
Most Christians give place to the devil (tolerant).
Most Christians submit to the attacks of Satan (sickness, disease, etc). rather than resisting Him and submitting themselves to the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus.
Most Christians do not testify of Jesus in every area of their lives violating the Great Commission and effectively denying Christ.
Most Christians believe that they must be good in order to earn the benefits of Grace, which is a total inconsistency.
Most Christians live in fear of death and so place themselves under the control of the insurance and medical industry.
Now, let`s look at some traditions which are obviously pagan in nature:
→ Christmas was set at Dec 25 to coincide with pagan Saturnalia and Sol-Invictus Festivals though He was actually born on Nisan 1 (Mar 20)
→ Easter was a pagan celebration of the fertility goddess Eostre, which the Christian missionaries decided to compromise with the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Creator, Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.
Why are we
→ Pretending to keep the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ Jesus tied to the fulfilled, and now defunct, Jewish Passover? Using the Hebrew calendar makes no sense. The Jews deny His deity and are currently excluded from His future plans.
Why do we inconsistently believe in Jesus and deny the proof that He gave for His own divinty?
→ Jesus entered Jerusalem with palms waving on Friday Nisan 10 (Apr 20) - not Sunday.
→ Jesus was to be 3 days and 3 nights in the grave - not 36 hours.
→ Jesus died on Wednesday Nisan 15 (Apr 25), not Friday - rising from the dead between 6PM Saturday and 6AM Sunday.
→ The outpouring of the Holy Spirit occurred on a specific Day of Pentecost - Sivan 8 (June 15). We aught to be celebrating using the Christian calendar as the Hebrews deny what happened on that day.
Now, some aspects of pagan carryovers are more serious than others. However, the humiliation of our Lord Jesus Christ by those He purchased with His own blood is unconscionable in every respect. It shows a complete lack of understanding of our Lord`s intent to spiritually and secularly overthrow all cultural conventions in favor of His Light and Truth. Furthermore it is rebellion.
The church is weak for the reasons stated above. In order for it to get back on track, it must throw off every aspect of pagan influence. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
I do not expect the nominal church to do this. The Laodicean church was prophetically spewed out of the mouth of Christ into the Great Tribulation with no oil in its lamps.
And what concord has Christ with Belial? or what part has he that believes with an infidel? |