The word Termite strikes terror in the hearts of home owners.
Unlike `mice`, `cockraoches` and other pests, Termites do not make their presence known. Furthermore they are many times more damaging than most other pests.
The fact that Termites may have been slowly destroying the basic subs-structure of a house for many years makes them particularly Evil.
Thousands of dollars of damage may be done by them with no evidence that there was any problem for many years.
On occasion, the damage is so severe that it is not structurally or economically reasonable to do anything other than to knock the house down and totally rebuild it.
Fundamentally, a Termite is a destroyer. Now, if you are a `nature lover` you probably think of them as just a small animal trying to get along in the world.
However, if you are a home-owner you probably ask the question: " Why can`t they go and live in old tree stumps and fallen limbs and eat that cellulose and leave my house alone?"
Considering criminal elements in society we should be like the home-owner and take a position of resistance to those criminals just trying to `get along`.
Currently, America is being eaten by Political Termites. We have been letting them just `get along`. We have been co-existing with them.
And just as a home-owner can co-exist with Termites so can a nation like America co-exist with Political Termites - until the damage is so great it is impossible to ignore it.
The Political Termites in America are called Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, Communists etc. Just as a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, so dung by any other name stinks as badly.
Does the Termite intend to destroy your home? No, they are instinctual and dumb.
Does the Political Termite intend to destroy America? The jury is still out on that question.
However, just as the Termite does destroy the home in the process of meeting its needs so does the Political Termite in meeting its needs and ideals.
In either case they are pests which must be eradicated if the structure (house or country) is to stand.
The sooner the home-owner realizes he is infested the sooner he can take action, reducing the damage and associated cost of repairs.
The sooner Americans realize we are infested with Political Termites the sooner we can take action, reduce damage and the costs of repairs.
Our country is no more invincible to destruction by Political Termites that any wood framed home is to the cellulose-eating Termite.