First of all, it is is impossible to have Fellowship with Light and Darkness.
God is Light. Satan is Darkness God is Good, Satan is Evil.
A little leaven leavens the whole lump. - Gal 5:9
This is the fundamental problem with the concept of managing Satan.
The second problem with the concept is that is is simply Arrogance that would cause a Human to think he could manage the greatest created being in history: Lucifer.
He was a covering Cherub. He was beautiful and musical. He was and is no match for any Human.
Unilike most bullies and dominating personalities, Satan is wise enough to play to Human Pride and so, He is subtle in his arguments and persuasions.
That is what makes him so dangereous. He has the ability to actually make a Human think they are thinking their own thoughts!
It is never a a challange to convince a person to believe themselves!
"If you play with fire you will get burned!"
And so we see that Satan is a fire that spreads. We must either douse him or he will eventually consume us.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - Jam 4:7
There was a great line in the movie, "An Officer and a Gentlemman",: 'You can't handle the truth!'.
Let me turn that around and apply it to Satan: "You can't handle his Lies!".
So, we must submit ourselves (Pride) to God so that we are able to resist the Lies of Satan,
To ignore this command is to fall into Satan's trap which serves only to Steal, Kill and Destroy.