    [ Created: 2021-03-04 06:53:19  Updated: 2021-03-04 07:49:47   Owner: rl ]
Title: How to deliver the Good News of God's Grace    

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom because He was annointed with the HolySpirit with a Message and Compassion. Isa 61:1

Jesus did not chase people. He knew that only those whom the Father was drawing would receive Him. Joh 6:44

Jesus responded to Faith. Mat 9:29

So, as we follow Christ we need to literally follow Him by the same rules that He operated by. Joh 8:31

Jesus taught the Word. Mat 4:23

When people believed His Words they came forward to be healed and delivered. He healed and delivered only those people. Mat 13:58

This is why He commanded us to preach the Gospel. Mar 16:15

The preaching of the Gospel will either evoke Faith or unbelief. Mar 16:16

When Faith arises we see victory. When unbelief manfests, God is not pleased and so no blessing occurs despite His love or our love for the hearer. Heb 11:6

Jesus was not frustrated when virtually everyone eventually forsook Him though His heart was broken by their rejection. Joh 20:29 1Ti 1:16

He said that He had not lost any that the Father had given Him (except Judas). Joh 17:12

The implication from that statement is that He accepted the work of the Holy Spirit to draw as well as the individual's choice to believe or not. Joh 5:17

For those that rejected His teaching He said "No, except you repent, you will all likewise perish" and left it there. Luk 13:3

"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!" - Eph 6:10