Power of
God manifests in and through us to the extent of our
Knowledge of Him.
- You must Know that you are accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:6,)
- You must Know that you are Healed by His stripes (1Pe 2:24,)
- You must Know that He wants you to Prosper (3Jn 1:2,)
- You must Know that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you (Rom 8:11,)
- You must Know that you have Authority over the Enemy (Luk 9:1 Jam 4:7 ),
- You must Know that you have the Power to Bind and to Loose (Mat 16:19,)
- You must Know that you can do all things through Christ who Strengthens you (Phi 4:13).
How do you Know these things?
You Hear, Believe, Receive and Do the Word of God. (see He Be Re Do)
Decide that you will have the Mind Of Christ (Phi 2:5) and then do what Jesus did to become the instrument of God. Jesus
1) heard the Word of God (Mat 4:4,)
2) believed the Word of God (Luk 4:21,)
3) was baptised with the Holy Spirit (Mat 3:16,)
4) Spoke and did the Word of God (Joh 14:10).
It is in following the example of Christ Jesus that we manifest His Virtue, His Power and His Glory.