[ Created: 2024-03-20 12:01:40  Updated: 2024-03-20 12:02:35 Owner: rl ]
Title: The Devil has no rightful place on earth    



Neither give place to the devil.
We have to wilfully and purposefully dislodge the devil whenever and whereever we find him.     We ought always to be on attack toward him.     

This principle also applies to society in general.     

To give place to the devil is to give standing to him.     He has been displaced by Christ Jesus as lord of the earth.     

But he now wheadles his way into men whom he uses to kill steal and destroy.     Such men aught to be confronted with the Truth.     Those that receive the Truth will be saved.     Those who reject the Truth aught to be disenfranchised.     

This attitude and action is as necessary for the good of society as the disenfranchisement of Satan is for the good of the individual.