Here is what I believe our future is:
nothingness as a country
We left God in the early 1960's when we took Him out of the classroom.
We started offering our children to Molech (Abortion) in 1970's.
In the 1980's we saw a glimmer of light (Reagan) and a rebuke from God re homosexuality (HIV).
In the 1990's we glorified sexual debauchery in women entertainers and sex/violence in hip-hop music.
In the 2000's we had our attention grabbed by evil (9/11) but failed to repent.
In the 2010's we saw a demonically inspired unAmerican Socialist win 2 terms while he lied to the American people, sowed Racism and glorified IdentityPolitics. We started worshipping Baal overtly.
We had a revivalist come through from 2016-2020. He was rejected and personally crucified.
In the 2020's we have an inept, lying pawn of Satan at the helm of our country. The forces that put him in place are the forces that will empower the Beast and the FalseProphet.
The AntichristKingdom is just around the corner.
He, that being often reproved hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. - Pro 29:1
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. - Psm 9:17
The Good News is that there will be Souls Saved as they Hear the Gospel from those of us who UnderstandTheTimes.
I pray that you are one who does. Those who do not will be Deceived by the Antichrist.
No one understands what happened in the last 3 months. It is a form of denial.
God will not Heal the land when there is no Repentance. I am not talking about Political Repentance.
Does anyone expect Spiritual, Mental, Heart felt Repentance from people who have flat out rejected God and chosen Satan? Do you think they will reject Abortion, Homosexuality, Lying, Thievery, Injustice, Arrogance and Pride? Do you think they will reject Baal (Socialism) as their Religion?
In the words of 'our president', C'mon man! Unless there is a cataclysmic event with millions of lives lost overnight, there will be no Repentance and so, no Revival.
I hope I am wrong. I may be wrong. But I don't think so.
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things says he that is holy, he that is true, he that has the key of David, he that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens; - Rev 3:7
The key point in this verse is that Christ Jesus controls when the door of opportunity to Receive Him is opened and when it is closed. The door of opportunity is closing as the spirit of Antichrist rises and ReprobateMinds set in.
The time is soon coming when no man can work (accomplish anything in the Ministry).
So, we ought to work while it is day.
I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work. - Joh 9:4