    [ Created: 2021-02-01 07:11:07  Updated: 2021-02-01 07:42:11   Owner: rl ]
Title: To be lifted by the Return of Christ    

OK. Now that all the people in government including the military, FBI, CIA, etc. are convinced that there was no Fraud in the 2020 election, (we have estabished the 'truth'), the justice department should move forward with prosecuting every person who filed an affadavit or made a claim of having evidence of Fraud or filing a report indicating Fraud so that we have JUSTICE in the land.

Do we think that will happen? Only if there is NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD TO BE UNCOVERED by such litigation in a 'real' court of inquiry.

What I am saying is that someone needs to pay for all the division and confusion created by false witnessing. This cuts both ways.

As a Christian all I value about this whole mess is Truth and Justice. There has been none of either and I do not expect any in the future.

The lack of Truth and Justice in the land will destroy the fabric of our Society. The high and mightly get by, the manipulators get by and so every petty and big time crook will feel completely justified in doing what is necessary to get what they want.

A Society built on Falseness and Injustice does not deserve to continue... and it won't.

I too am in the Political, Economic and Social ship we call America and I will go down with it. So will my children and my grandchildren.

This is Spiritual Death for the country and the Physical will follow just as happened in the garden.

As sad as this treatise is, my life is hidden with Christ in God. I am an Eternal, Spirit being with Love, Joy, Peace and Faith by the Spirit of God.

My Future is secure in Christ. But what about everyone else?

May each and every American come to know the Lord Jesus Christ while there is time.

I can see no Political way that the AntichristKingdom can be held at bay. I see no great Spiritual revival to keep him at bay
(I hope I am wrong but revival requires honesty and hunger for truth).

When the Antichrist is situated in power (one world government) it will be virtually impossible for a non-believer to Repent and be Saved. It will cost them more than they are willing to pay.

Repent, for the AntichristKingdom is at hand to be quickly followed by the DayOfWrath and then the MillennialKingdom of Jesus Christ.

(written: evening of Jan 20, 2021)