So, the Soul Of God existed in the beginning.
What does it mean by the Word was with God ? → God is a Spirit → A spirit is the qualitative aspect of a being. It represents the nature and value system of that being. → The spirit of a being is the essence of that being. → So, the Soul Of God was with the Spirit Of God in the beginning.
What does it mean by the Word was God ? → It means that the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God constitute one divine being.
Joh 1:2 emphasizes the fact that the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God existed in the beginning.
Joh 1:3 tells us that this God who is Soul and Spirit created all things.
Joh 1:10 tells us that Jesus made the world.
Joh 1:14 tells us that the Soul Of God, the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us. Now we have the Body Of God. This is Jesus.
Heb 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the express image of God.
So, God is a single being who is Spirit Soul And Body just as man is who was created in His image Gen 1:26. → the Soul Of God, → the Spirit Of God and → the Body Of God constitute one God as is emphasized in Deu 6:4. Word Creator
`begotten of the Father` speaks to the fact that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary.
`full of grace and truth` speaks to the character of the Holy Spirit being manifested in the Soul and Body of Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus is the express image of the Father, and that image is the pattern used to create Adam and all humanity. We are Spirit Soul And Body as is our Creator, Saviour and Lord, Christ Jesus.
Jesus is the Incarnate Word. He is the Word Of God.
The Word Of God is contained in the Bible. It is what the Lord said through a command or promise.
Not every Word in the Bible is literally a Word from the Lord`s mouth. Many of the Words in the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit to be recorded by men.
Jesus said that we must live by every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God. Mat 4:4
Furthermore, Jesus said that the really important Words in the Scriptures were those that testified of Him. These are the Words that bring Eternal Life to us. Joh 5:39
All Scripture is given by inspiration of the Lord but not all Scripture was spoken by the Lord. Those Words that the Lord speaks are eternal, powerful and life giving. Joh 5:39
A proper understanding of the Bible requires us to rightly divide the Words in the Bible according to dispensation, according to who is speaking and according to the Truth of the Gospel of Grace Through Faith in Christ Jesus.
Remember, the Word Of God is the Word of Jesus who spoke as the Holy Spirit moved in Him.