[ Created: 2021-01-31 05:40:51  Updated: 2023-04-30 18:07:20 Owner: rl ]
Title: The perfect Faith that Jesus manifested    



Where did the Faith Of Christ come from?   His Holy Spirit.   Remember that faith is one of the Spirit Fruits.   Since Jesus and the Holy Spirit are One, Jesus manifested supernatural faith from and by His Holy Spirit.   

By receiving the Holy Spirit into our lives and submitting to Him we too can manifest supernatural faith.   

If we are to manifest supernatural faith - the kind of faith that performs healings, miracles and deliverance we must have the Faith Of Christ by His Holy Spirit.   
Even the righteousness of the Holy Spirit which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
The Faith Of Christ has imputed the righteousness of the Lord to us.

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Paul tells us how we are justified by the Faith Of Christ and nothing else.

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of the Holy Spirit, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Water Baptism is symbolic of what actually happens in the Spirit Realm.     

Paul explains that the old Sin Nature, that we were, is dead and buried with Christ so that we, by Grace Through Faith, we are raised with Him as New Spirit beings with the opportunity and power to operate in the newness of Abundant Life .     

But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.
The law convicted us so the Christ could mediate us to the Holy Spirit Father.     

It is the Faith Of Christ on which we stand.     His faith is the power behind His promise of Eternal Life.     It is His faith that fulfills the promise of the Holy Spirit.     

What then does our faith do?     It connects us to the Faith Of Christ when we believe on Jesus.     

All the promises of our Lord are yes and amen because of His faith.

And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of His Holy Spirit by faith:
When we are In Christ we are clothed with His righteousness by the Faith Of Christ.     

This is the essence of the Gospel of Grace Through Faith.     
It diminishes our performance and elevates the performance of Christ Jesus on our behalf.     The result is that our performance becomes the performance of the Holy Spirit through us.     

My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
consider all men as either brothers In Christ or as men in need of the Saviour.     There is no earthly credential or physical asset or limitation which is relevant in the Kingdom Of Heaven.

In each of the above verses we see the phrase "faith of Christ" rather than "faith in Christ".   

What is the difference?   
- `of` means owned by
- `in` means attached to

When we have Faith In Christ we are agreeing with who He is and what He did.   We worship Him by having Faith In Christ.   

When we have the Faith Of Christ we have entered that place which Christ Jesus dwells.   It is a place of pure faith.   
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?     the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
How can Jesus be in the Father and the Father be in Him?     
Understand who the Father is.     He is a Spirit.     He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit fills the universe and beyond.     But He birthed the body of Jesus and annointed Him to be Messiah - He filled the body of Jesus.     

Jesus spoke what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to speak.     Jesus reached out to heal and deliver those whom the Holy Spirit empowered Him to bless.     

Just as the disciples and others of Jesus' day could not look past the physical form of Jesus and see the Father, likewise today, people cannot see past our physical form to see the Father in us.     

What is even worse is that many of us cannot look past our own physical form to realize Christ in us the expectation of the Father's glory being manifested in and through us.     

Greater works shall we do because the Father has made His abode in us.     We are filled with the Holy Spirit.     

Father is a role.     It is not the name of a being.     The name of the Father is Christ Jesus.     (For that matter, the name of the Holy Spirit is Christ Jesus).     But Jesus was clarifying how He, as a man, was able to do what He did and say what He said.     

The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus.     He is the one who impregnated Mary.     He is the One who inspires and implements the Word.     

So, Jesus being the Word speaks and interacts with those in the Physical Realm, while the Holy Spirit from the Spirit Realm ( Heaven) inspires Jesus to speak and then performs the works that Jesus does.     

The Holy Spirit and the Word are One.     You cannot separate them.     If you try to you will either have the Word or the Power and neither will be effective.     The Word speaks the purpose, while the Power achieves the purpose.     The Holy Spirit and Word are inseparable.

For he whom the Holy Spirit hath sent speaketh the words of the Holy Spirit: for the Lord giveth not the Holy Spirit by measure unto him.
The eternal Holy Spirit ( Spirit Of God) imparted the eternal Word ( Soul Of God) into human flesh whom we call Jesus.     

Jesus is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit, speaking the Words of the Holy Spirit and doing the works of the Holy Spirit.     

Only in Jesus' finite body is His Holy Spirit limited.     

Can we see that the Faith Of Christ was His believing who He was?   He KNEW who He was.   His life was the harvest of knowing who He was.   What He accomplished is the fruit of knowing who He was.   

To believe that Christ Jesus had some kind of irresistible calling on His life is wrong.   
To believe that it was impossible for Him to doubt that calling is wrong.   
To believe that it was impossible for Him to sin is wrong.   

Such beliefs make Him just a puppet of some sovereign being.   
Such beliefs undermine the glory of His faith.   

It is the Faith Of Christ which saves and heals us.   
It is the Faith Of Christ which imparts Eternal Life and Abundant Life to us.   

To the extent that we magnify the Faith Of Christ is the extent to which we experience the glory of Christ In Us.   

What does that glory look like?   
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
This is one of the most ignored things that Jesus said.     Why?     Because we choose to be believers only.     We resist becoming disciples.     

Disciples follow their master in His footsteps learning from Him and imitating Him.     

Jesus is telling us that we are to spread the Gospel, heal the sick, set captives free and make disciples of all men.     

We can only do this by the power of the Holy Spirit operating in a vessel with the Mind Of Christ.     

What did Jesus mean by 'I go unto my Father'?     Jesus returned to the Spirit Realm ( Heaven) when He ascended where the Holy Spirit Father is most readily experienced.     It is the seat from where The Majesty emanates throughout the universe.

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
To abide in Jesus is:
    to be Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ
    to be filled with His Holy Spirit.     
    to have the Mind Of Christ.     

When you are in the Holy Spirit, in the Word and have the Mind Of Christ, you know that He has provided all things for life and godliness, so that when you ask, you receive .     

So, we see that the Faith Of Christ is what we must receive in order for His glory to manifest in us.   
It is not enough for us to have Faith In Christ to experience glory in this age of the world.   
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of the Lord.
What is wrong with the world that we should not be conformed to it?     
    it is lost and confused
    it is filled with sickness and disease
    it is filled with violence
    it is filled with greed
    it is filled with hate
    it is filled with death
    it is hopeless
    it is apart from the Lord

Conformity is good when it is to the Word and the Holy Spirit.     Otherwise it is evil.     

In order for the New Spirit being to manifest in our flesh, we must be transformed in mind, emotions and will (our soul).     

When we are transformed we receive the wisdom and power of the Lord to do the work of Christ Jesus in our mortal bodies.     

What is the good and acceptable and perfect will of our Lord?     
    It is that none perish ,
    it is that all be healed ,
    it is that all prosper .     

How is the Lord's will proved?     
    By the manifestation of evidence.     
What evidence?     
    salvation, healing and prosperity.     

Hence, the only thing holding us back from experiencing the best that the Lord has for us is our minds.     

Let the Mind Of Christ be in you.     -

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Jesus wants us to be like Him.     After all, He created us in His image .      He chided His disciples when they did not measure up to their potential.     'Oh you of litte faith, why are you so fearful' .     

Jesus made it possible for us to be accepted by His Holy Spirit through His blood sacrifice .      Once cleansed He made it possible for us to receive His Holy Spirit .      The Holy Spirit of Christ is who raised Christ Jesus from the dead .      He told us that greater deeds would we do as a result of receiving that gift .     

But, in order for us to realize our potential we must 'realize our potential' .      As we think in our hearts so are we .      For me or you to reach our potential in Christ we must believe what He said about us to the extent that we allow it to transform our thoughts, words and deeds .     

The Mind Of Christ is achieved by knowingly and willingly being transformed by the Word and Holy Spirit .      We must desire to have the Mind Of Christ and we must feed on what He fed on to arrive at the same place He did .     

Jesus said the Kingdom Of Heaven is at hand when He walked the earth .      In the Word and Holy Spirit we can manifest heaven on earth .     
It is His will but is it yours?     

Who, being the form [image] of His Holy Spirit Father, thought it not robbery to be equal with His Holy Spirit Father:
What is the form of our Creator?     
We need only look at man who was made in His image .     

The Holy Spirit formed Jesus in Mary's womb for the purpose of manifesting Himself in the body of Jesus.     

Since the Holy Spirit did this, Jesus did not think it presumptuous for Him to be equal with the Holy Spirit.     

It is this thinking in His mind and heart that enabled Him to speak the words of the Holy Spirit and by the power of the Holy Spirit to do the works of the Holy Spirit - just as He had done in the beginning when He created all things.

What is the Mind Of Christ?   It is receiving the Faith Of Christ and making it our own faith.   It is receiving His words and abiding in them.   
It is eating His flesh and drinking His blood.   
Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son Of Man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
We must receive Christ in Truth with no reservations or doubts.

Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
thank you Jesus!

For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
The Sacifice that was sown in the grave has produced Eternal Life to whosoever will believe and receive Jesus Christ.

He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
We arw to come into intimate relationship with Christ

So we understand that Jesus was not satisfied for us to just believe in Him.   He wanted us to become Him.   
Notice that He dwells in us and we dwell in Him.   This is oneness.   It is total agreement.   

Oneness with the Father and total agreement with Him is what characterized Jesus as a person.   It is how He was able to respond to Phillip:
Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
Philip was not satisfied with Jesus.     
He wanted to see the Father.     
This was a terrible insult to Christ and reflected the Carnal Minded nature that was still in His disciples.     

Those today who persist in calling upon the Lord apart from using His name, Jesus, waste their time.     How is this?     Because all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus who is the express image of the Father, the Holy Spirit.

Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?     he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
Jesus states categorically who He is - the express image of the Father.     

You can hear the hurt and amazement in Jesus' voice as He responds.     

Jesus tells Philip that He is the Father.     He then rebukes Philip for even doubting that He is the Father.

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?     the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
How can Jesus be in the Father and the Father be in Him?     
Understand who the Father is.     He is a Spirit.     He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit fills the universe and beyond.     But He birthed the body of Jesus and annointed Him to be Messiah - He filled the body of Jesus.     

Jesus spoke what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to speak.     Jesus reached out to heal and deliver those whom the Holy Spirit empowered Him to bless.     

Just as the disciples and others of Jesus' day could not look past the physical form of Jesus and see the Father, likewise today, people cannot see past our physical form to see the Father in us.     

What is even worse is that many of us cannot look past our own physical form to realize Christ in us the expectation of the Father's glory being manifested in and through us.     

Greater works shall we do because the Father has made His abode in us.     We are filled with the Holy Spirit.     

Father is a role.     It is not the name of a being.     The name of the Father is Christ Jesus.     (For that matter, the name of the Holy Spirit is Christ Jesus).     But Jesus was clarifying how He, as a man, was able to do what He did and say what He said.     

The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus.     He is the one who impregnated Mary.     He is the One who inspires and implements the Word.     

So, Jesus being the Word speaks and interacts with those in the Physical Realm, while the Holy Spirit from the Spirit Realm ( Heaven) inspires Jesus to speak and then performs the works that Jesus does.     

The Holy Spirit and the Word are One.     You cannot separate them.     If you try to you will either have the Word or the Power and neither will be effective.     The Word speaks the purpose, while the Power achieves the purpose.     The Holy Spirit and Word are inseparable.

Am I saying that we should totally reflect the Father?   yes.   This is the whole purpose of the gift of the Holy Spirit.   Christ ( Holy Spirit) in us is the hope (expectation) of glory (God`s glory manifesting in and through us).   
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?     the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
How can Jesus be in the Father and the Father be in Him?     
Understand who the Father is.     He is a Spirit.     He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit fills the universe and beyond.     But He birthed the body of Jesus and annointed Him to be Messiah - He filled the body of Jesus.     

Jesus spoke what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to speak.     Jesus reached out to heal and deliver those whom the Holy Spirit empowered Him to bless.     

Just as the disciples and others of Jesus' day could not look past the physical form of Jesus and see the Father, likewise today, people cannot see past our physical form to see the Father in us.     

What is even worse is that many of us cannot look past our own physical form to realize Christ in us the expectation of the Father's glory being manifested in and through us.     

Greater works shall we do because the Father has made His abode in us.     We are filled with the Holy Spirit.     

Father is a role.     It is not the name of a being.     The name of the Father is Christ Jesus.     (For that matter, the name of the Holy Spirit is Christ Jesus).     But Jesus was clarifying how He, as a man, was able to do what He did and say what He said.     

The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus.     He is the one who impregnated Mary.     He is the One who inspires and implements the Word.     

So, Jesus being the Word speaks and interacts with those in the Physical Realm, while the Holy Spirit from the Spirit Realm ( Heaven) inspires Jesus to speak and then performs the works that Jesus does.     

The Holy Spirit and the Word are One.     You cannot separate them.     If you try to you will either have the Word or the Power and neither will be effective.     The Word speaks the purpose, while the Power achieves the purpose.     The Holy Spirit and Word are inseparable.

And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
Everything Jesus said and did was by His Holy Spirit Father .     

Jesus prayed that we would be one with His Holy Spirit .     

The Disciples did not receive the Holy Spirit immediately.     

Jesus breathed upon them as a sign that the Holy Spirit would be invisble and would be the breath of spiritual life in us empowering us to go out into the world with the Gospel.

Once you are baptised with the Holy Spirit the foundation is laid for receiving the Mind Of Christ which comes through spiritual revelation of the Word Of The Lord.   

The Holy Spirit and the Word in us ( Christ In Us) enables us to operate in the Faith Of Christ.