Let`s look at the definition of superstition piece by piece:
- irrational - disconnected from logical, orderly thought
- belief - something that is taken as fact without confirming evidence
- object, action, or circumstance - these are observable things
- not logically related - not connected
- course of events - things that happen
- influences its outcome - affects things that happen
The motivation for superstition is either fear or hope. Fear that something evil will happen again or hope that something good will happen again.
The one thing that the fear and hope have in common is that they are both irrationally connected to something which has no effect on that which we fear or that which we hope.
What makes us hold to the superstition? belief. We believe that there is a connection.
So, superstition has all the basic ingredients for Religion: beliefs, fears, hopes, consequences, success, failure, life and death.
Understanding that superstition is a religion is enough for a Christian to completely divorce himself from it. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. |
Now therefore put away, said he, the strange gods which are among you, and incline your heart unto the Lord of Israel.  |
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of Majesty.  |
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:  The power of the Lord manifests in and through us to the extent of our knowledge of Him. - You must know that you are accepted in the beloved , → You must know that you are healed by His stripes , → You must know that He wants you to prosper , → You must know that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you , → You must know that you have authority over the enemy , → You must know that you have the power to bind and to loose , → You must know that you can do all things through Christ who Strengthens you . How do you know these things? You hear, believe, receive and do the word of the Lord. (see He Be Re Do) Decide that you will have the Mind Of Christ and then do what Jesus did to become the instrument of the Lord Jesus 1. heard the word of the Lord , 2. believed the word of the Lord , 3. was baptised with the Holy Spirit , 4. Spoke and did the word of the Lord . It is in following the example of Christ Jesus that we manifest His virtue, His power and His glory. Who has called us to glory and virtue? → the Word → the Holy Spirit The Word is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that informs us. The Holy Spirit is the one that draws us to Christ. Believers are to preach the Gospel. |
So we see that God expects us to look faithfully and solely to Him for our provision which is complete.
"Knocking on wood", "avoiding black cats", "carrying a rabbit`s foot", "fearing Fri 13th", etc. are all superstitions.
Horroscopes, palm reading, ouija boards, seances, black magic, Voo Doo, witchcraft, sorcery and satanism are all merely deeper forms of superstition.
They are all false and undermine God`s plan for each of us - to be in personal relationship with Him by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
In the 21st century humans have entered (once again) into a place of pride, believing (falsely) that they do not need God. And so, they have written Him out of their laws, mores and culture. But unwittingly (and it is Satan`s strength to deceive) society has fallen under the control of Witch Doctors, soothsayers, Familiar Spirits, False Prophets, philosophers and politicians. In so doing they have become Baal Worshippers. Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.  As long as I am following Christ you can follow me because I am in line. If I stop following Christ you ought to stop following me because I am out of line. |
Paul was an Educated, intelligent, pharisee who could have just said "follow me" but he recognized his dependence on the leadership of Christ in his own life for him to be able to lead others correctly . Superstition in its mildest form comes from unbelief in the living God and in its vilest form it comes from unbelief in the living God. Superstition and paganism are siblings. Paganism is darkness and confusion. So is superstition. |