| Beware that you forget not the LORD your God, in not Keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I Command you this day: - Deu 8:11When things come easily the tendancy is for us to begin taking them for granted. We ought always be Thankful in all things and for all things. Eph 5:20
Then your Heart be lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of Bondage; - Deu 8:14God wants our Hearts lifted up in Him. He actually wants to Glorify us with His Glory. It is only when we lift ourselves up and forget that it is God who enables us to be, to do and to succeed that we fall out of Grace.
And it shall be, if you do at all forget the LORD your God, and Walk after other gods, and Serve them, and Worship them, I Testify against you this day that you shall surely Perish. - Deu 8:19We are all given TheMeasureOfFaith at birth and we are born with a sense that there is a God. However, lack of proper Education and misplaced Priorities lead children away from God. Even those who come into Relationship with God can Forget Him - allow themselves to get distracted by the things of this World. In order for a person to Worship False gods, they must first Forget the True and Living God. As to serving these False gods, there is not alternative. False gods lead to Servitude and Bondage. Regardless of the path a person takes to forgetting God, they will Perish - not because of something that God does to them but because in Him is Life while outside of Him is Death.
Note that to ForgetGod is not the same as to not believe there is a God. So what does ForgetGod mean?
First of all, to forget something you must have previously known it.
So, the verses above speak to people or nations that have known God at some point.
God is merciful to those who have never known Him - to those who have never heard the Gospel Truth.
But to those who have 'known Him' we see terrible judgment on those who ForgetGod.
Rather than making ForgetGod to be something spooky or mysterious let's just keep it as practical as possible in order to understand it and its import.
It shall be Health to your navel, and marrow to your bones. - Pro 3:8
So shall your barns be Filled with plenty, and your presses shall burst out with New wine. - Pro 3:10 Now, that is the positive aspect of acknowledging God - i.e. NOT forgetting Him.
So, to understand the implications of not acknowledging God we just take the contra-positive of the above statements.
This is a NewCovenant way of expressing the attitude God has towards those who ForgetGod.
When we ForgetGod we:
- don't live as long
- we lose Favor with God and man
- our paths go awry
- we fall into Evil
- we get sick
- we never have enough
Let's couple these OldCovenant statements with some NewCovenant ones.
We see there is perfect agreement. In the OldCovenant the Relationship of the person was to God. In the NewCovenant the Relationship is with Christ Jesus, IncarnateGod.
Since God is Sovereign we exist at His Pleasure and we thrive at His Pleasure. His Pleasure is personal Relationship with us.
The blessings enumerated above are a result of us coming into agreement with His Pleasure.
The cursings enumerated above are a result of us rejecting His Pleasure, i.e. we ForgetGod. |