[ Created: 2021-01-15 08:41:28  Updated: 2023-03-26 17:35:55 Owner: rl ]
Title: The Gift of God and the Spirit of Rebellion    


Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
dogs and swine are unworthy of the Gospel because they reject it.     They are content to live an animalistic existence devoid of the Lord.     

When a person rejects the Holy Spirit who reveals the Truth of the Gospel to them they are guilty of Blasphemy Of The Holy Ghost.

What do we have that is Holy?   
The Spirit of God and the Grace which proceeds from Him.   

What is meant by a Dog?   
A person who is focused only on sensual gratification.   

What are our Pearls?   
Forgiveness, Grace, Eternal Life, Abundant Life, Promises, Relationship

What is meant by a Swine?   
An animal that is so self-concerned that it will eat its own.   

What does is mean to trample under foot?   
To not appreciate, to not value and so to cast it aside.   

Why would they turn again?   
Because their LifeStyle is offended by the implications of the Gospel.   

Why would they rend (tear) you?   
Because the rage of their father, Satan, causes them to want to destroy you for your Testimony.   
And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.
As a just and loving the Lord He wants everyone to have a chance to receive or reject the Truth.

What is the implication of not being received?   
To reject a person who comes in the name of Jesus Christ is to reject Christ.   

What does shaking the dust off signify?   
Treat that person as someone who has defined themselves as a Tare.   

Why should we testify against someone?   
God is Just and He will use that testimony in the White Throne Judgment.   

We are only obligated to share the Testimony of Jesus Christ to any person once.   The person's reaction to it identifies them as a Dog, a Swine or as a Receiver and Believer.   

This may sound harsh and unloving but we must understand the following verse to put the above in context:
No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Each individual has The Measure Of Faith and each individual has the evidence of creation by which to know that there is a Creator the Lord.     What an individual does with these revelations determines whether the Holy Spirit can work with them to receive the message of the Gospel of Christ when they hear it.     

So, the Holy Spirit draws us when we draw to Him.     .      When we hunger and thirst for the Lord we are filled.     .     

The ball is in our court as our Lord has done everything He can for us to be saved.

Jesus responded to the people who were drawn to Him positively, with Healing and with Forgiveness of Sins.   

Jesus did not pursue those who were not drawn to Him.   He actually rebuked those ( Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites) who rejected Him.   

We ought to approach every person in our lives with an awareness of the seriousness of how they have responded to the Testimony of Jesus Christ.   

We should excitedly share the Gospel with that person who has never heard the Gospel.   
We should Receive as a brother that person who has received the Testimony of Jesus Christ.   
We should warn that person who has heard the Testimony of Jesus Christ and rejected it.   
I tell you, No: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.
Though it is not the Lord's will that any perish, it is up to each individual to determine their fate.