    [ Created: 2021-01-13 21:10:08  Updated: 2021-01-13 21:31:01   Owner: rl ]
Title: Not obedient to laws    

None of the people who paid for the fake dossier have been charged with crimes.

None of the people who authorized illegal spying on President Trump have been charged.

None of the people who signed illegal FISA warrants have been charged with crimes.

None of the people who framed President Trump have been charged with crimes.

None of the people who committed fraud in the November election have been charged with a crime.

None of the judges who refused to honor the sworn affidavits of voter Fraud have been charged.

The Supreme Court has not been charged for rejecting a suit by a group of states against a single state.

Congress has not been charged for refusing to look at the charges of voter Fraud before confirming Biden.

Congressmen proposing and passing laws that violate the Constitution have not been charged with crimes.

Joe Biden has not been charged with influence peddling.

Nancy Pelosi has not been charged with insider trading while in office.

There is a roundup underway for those who invaded the Capitol to bring them to justice.

There was an Impeachment of President Trump today for speaking to supporters at the Captitol.

Which of the above crimes is the most severe?

Who are the real Lawless ones?