It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." - Joh 6:63
Jesus is the IncarnateWord. You cannot know Jesus without knowing the WrittenWord. The WrittenWord gives definition to the being behind the Image we have of God in our minds.
Everyone who believes in a god has an image of that god in their minds. But they cannot know the real God except by Revelation of the Word of God.
Jesus said you are my Disciple if you continue in my Word. Joh 8:31
It is by the preaching of the WrittenWord (Gospel) that anyone is able to Receive the IncarnateWord and be Saved. 1Co 1:21
The HolySpirit is our teacher. He teaches us of Christ who is the IncarnateWord. He uses the WrittenWord as His textbook. Joh 14:26
The HolySpirit does not speak of Himself but He speaks of Jesus. John 16:13,14
What He Hears comes from the Word.
If we do not stay in the WrittenWord He (HolySpirit) has no material to reveal to us. We stagnate or we move away from pure Truth.
We struggle to understand the Trinity. But God is a Spirit with a Soul (mind and emotions) and a Body just like us.
Jesus (the man) is the Body of God who was annointed by the HolySpirit to manifest the Mind and Emotions of God (His Will, Word and Love)
For in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. - Col 2:9
How do we know when we are in sync with God? When we are operating in the Spirit according to His Word.
Whenever either of Spirit or Word is emphasized over the other, Error creeps in.
Jesus declared that He spoke only what the Father gave Him and He did only what the Father told Him. Joh 14:10
For us to grow properly we must grow in Grace and Knowledge of Christ Jesus. 2Pe 3:18
Here we see clearly how the Spirit and the Word are One:
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. - Joh 14:26