[ Created: 2024-03-16 09:55:11  Updated: 2024-03-17 08:47:42 Owner: rl ]
Title: Who is this Jesus whom everybody knows something about    



Unless we know who Jesus really is, we do not know who we are.   He is the first of many brothers .   

So, whatever and whoever Jesus is defines who we are supposed to be.   

If you don`t believe that Jesus is God in the flesh then you need to stop reading this article and read Jesus Only.   

Since you continued reading, you believe that Jesus is the One and Only Mighty God.   

The implications of Jesus being Mighty God is that He is
    Law Giver
    King Of Kings

The fact that He is Creator pretty much defines His supremacy over all and His ownership of all that He created.   

With that said, no one has any real authority in this earth that rejects or violates His authority.   

Such that defy His authority yet claim to hold authority are illegitimate.   They are usurpers.   

Upon untainted, clear reading of the Gospels of Jesus Christ (which means we do not slide over or read into what they say) we come to see Jesus as a revolutionary.   

The Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites realized this about Jesus.   So, the fact that He came to upset their apple cart led them to ignore His message, His healings, His exorcisms, His miracles and His resurrection.   

What were they afraid of?   Losing their power over the people
    to define what was right and wrong
    to execute judgment and mercy
    to determine who succeeds and who fails

They understood that the Kingdom Of Heaven was to supplant their Judaic system.   

Were they right?   Yes.   

In the extention of the Gospel to the gentiles the Kingdom Of Heaven is to supplant every human system of government and culture.   

The Kingdom Of Heaven was to bring into effect the will of the Holy Spirit on earth as it is in heaven .   (Notice it is the Kingdom Of Heaven, not the kingdom in heaven).

Early in His ministry Jesus said that our priority should be relationship with Him by His Holy Spirit.   As a result, `all the earthly things that you desire will be added to you` .   

Jesus was all about establishing the Kingdom Of Heaven on this earth.   

But a kingdom has a King.   And He is the King Of Kings.   

According to we are brothers of the Lord Jesus Christ by virtue of His Holy Spirit in us.   

So, we are royalty sharing rulership under His kingship.   

He told us to preach the Gospel to every creature
    so that they would come willingly under His Lordship
    so that they would become royalty themselves
    so that they too would become disciplers - spreaders of the Gospel.   

Now we begin to see The Real Jesus and understand what it means to be Born Again into a New Spirit being who belongs to the royal family by virtue of the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus dwelling in us.   

We are to be the head and not the tail .   
We are to be above and not beneath .   
We are to rule and reign with Him .   

We are now Sons Of The Holy Spirit .