[ Created: 2021-01-12 10:45:21  Updated: 2024-08-17 08:45:45 Owner: rl ]
Title: A representative of the people who challenges their enemy    



Our Lord uses people in this age of the world to accomplish His will.   

So does Satan.   

The history of the Old Testament and the history of the early church is one of champions for the Lord and champions for Satan.   

We know that our champion.   Jesus Christ, will return to translate us into immortal, incorruptible beings and to establish the Millennial Kingdom on earth.   

We also know that before that happens Satan will raise up his champion, the antichrist.   

We now see the spirit of antichrist in control of America and the world.   

The only question is whether or not there is another champion to arise before the antichrist receives power.   

There is no scripture which points to such a champion arising.   

Some modern-day prophets have foretold a miraculous reinstallation of Donald Trump as president along with judgment on those who perpetrated election fraud and other crimes against the constitution and the people.   

There are NO signs of a champion arising to bring about such a reversal.   

God bless Mike Lindell who is waging a battle for Truth and justice against Election Fraud.   However, regardless of the evidence, if no court will hear the case, there has been, de-facto, no crime committed.   Such people as Mike have, what I consider to be, unwarranted faith in our system of government.   

God bless all patriots who are fighting the good fight.   However, there will be no political solution to our spiritual problem.   

Will God use angels instead of a human champion to fulfil those modern-day prophecies?   No doubt He could.   

But there is no scriptural prophecy providing for that.   Angels will play a big role in the Great Tribulation with respect to bringing on catastrophic events in judgment.   

So, though I do not rule out a unilateral intervention by the Lord on behalf of America, I personally have no hope in it.   

The reason for my lack of hope regarding a reversal is that repentance is necessary for the Lord to head off the events which man has brought on himself.   

Also, there seems to be no inclination in any branch or agency of our government "to do the right thing".   

Since America is so strong in its infrastructure, it is not possible for an insurrection to succeed.   

So, the dye has been cast.   
Under the dominating spirit of antichrist, it is likely that America will fulfil the revelation prophecy of Babylon, the great harlot.   

Babylon is described as a magnificently wealthy merchant with whom all the world does business.   

Babylon is destroyed because of her fornication.   

America has been the most powerful economic force on earth with the dollar being the standard for all transactions worldwide.   

America has committed spiritual fornication.   She even has come to pride herself in it.   

She calls it Multi Culturalism but it is nothing more than Poly Theism.   

She has taken in false, foreign gods as co-equal with the true and living God and is now on the verge of eliminating Christianity.   

So, why would our Lord unilaterally `save` us when we have willingly become unfaithful to Him?   

Now, lest you be totally discouraged, know this: The Lord never has and never will punish the righteous with the wicked.   

You can escape the coming judgment by being in Christ Jesus - not by being caught away secretly, but by being sealed with the Holy Spirit.   

Just as Noah was saved in the flood and just as the children of israel were saved in egypt from the plagues, so shall those who are sealed with the Holy Spirit be saved in the earth from the tribulation.   

However, thosè sealed will be persecuted by the antichrist.   Many of them will be martyred for their testimony of Jesus Christ.   

So, you can put your confidence in the modern-day prophecies or you can "hear what the Spirit says unto the churches" as found in the book of Revelation.   
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.

By the way, when God speaks it will come to pass whether or not anyone believes what He has said.   

Keep you eyes fixed on and your heart settled on "the author and finisher of our Faith" - our Lord, Saviour and champion, Jesus Christ ¹.   

¹ King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince Of Peace .   
If a person is not a Christian, the question about what they say or do should not be 'why?' but 'why not?'.   

Our Creator did not come to earth and give His life because He had nothing better to do.   He, Christ Jesus, came to deliver us from ourselves by giving us a new Spirit - His Holy Spirit.   

Our ignorance about the criticality of repentance, the new birth and being Spirit filled has resulted in the enemy stealing this Truth and replacing it with all manner of lies.   

Praying alone will not change anything.   Jesus confronted the ungodly institutions of His day.   The apostles confronted the ungodly institutions of their day.   If we expect to see America saved we must confront the ungodly institutions of our day.   

We have the authority of Christ Jesus and we have the power of Christ Jesus if we stand on His Word and are filled with His Holy Spirit.   

Satan is going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.   If your mind has not been transformed by the Word or you are not Spirit filled you are not equipped to face Satan in his full force which he is now unleashing through his children.   

If you have the mind of Christ and you are filled with His Holy Spirit then greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.   

It is time for us to return to our first love and do our first works.   It is time for us to put on the whole armor of God and go forth into battle as champions doing great exploits for the kingdom.   

The Lord has left you here for such a time as this.   
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their Lord shall be strong, and do exploits.
At the time of the Anti Christ Kingdom there will be strong delusion and hatred toward Christianity.     
But those who know the Lord by virtue of a personal relationship through His indwelling Holy Spirit will be empowered to do great things for the Kingdom Of Christ.