    [ Created: 2021-01-12 10:17:20  Updated: 2021-01-12 11:01:30   Owner: rl ]
Title: Should we Pray or Fight?     

Should we Pray or should we Fight?

Prayer is to prepare. To prepare assumes there is an action to be performed.

Hence, we Pray for Guidance, for Strength and for Wisdom so that what we Speak and Work is on God's behalf.

Pray first so that you take the appropriate action and gain the Victory. Praying after taking action is probably a reaction to having suffered Defeat.

People are saying: "Pray for our nation." Here is my reaction to such a request...

Which nation are we talking about? The nation that has just defrauded the American people and will systematically get rid of Christianity or the Patriot America which believes in God, Family, Freedom and the Constitution?

We are no longer "one nation under God, indivisible" because those who have usurped the authority in our nation are not under God. He is the underpinning of Unity. Without Him in all of our lives we cannot walk together in agreement.

You cannot mix oil and water. You cannot mix Light and Darkness.

The division in our country is irreconcilable and anyone who does not see that needs to go in for a checkup. Such deceived people are on the verge of accepting the MarkOfTheBeast.

There are Wheat and there are Tares. There are Sheep and there are Goats.

Nowhere are we instructed to get along with the enemy. We are instructed to give no place to the Devil.

Satan is defeated but his children are alive and well and doing his works in the land. Anyone who does not see the enemy of Christ as their enemy is in pretty sorry shape.

Now, if you or anyone can convince me that the people who are taking over (by Fraud) our county are not enemies of Christ, I will apologize for everything I say here.

If Christians are to pray for anything regarding Political America it should be that God raise up Champions in this hour to stand and defeat the Philistines. We need a David.

It is hard for us to accept, but most, if not all, who are fighting against God have reprobate minds. They cannot be converted because God will not draw them. They are Tares.

If you have someone in your life that is caught between two opinions, if behooves you and them for you to open their eyes to the darkness that is about to cover the earth.

It took war to found this country;
it took war to preserve this country;
it will take war to guarantee a future for this country.

This is the truth as unpleasant as it is.

Believing for any miracle from God that is not effected through men is delusional. The next miracle from God that does not involve man will be the Return of Christ.

Christ is at the right hand of the Father.
The Holy Spirit is in us.
We are the stewards of Christ's earthly kingdom till He returns.

So, we need to ask ourselves: Is Christ in favor of Fraud, Murder, Homosexuality, Theft, Bondage, Deception and Persecution or not?

If the answer is "He is NOT", then what are we going to do about it as Stewards of His earthly Kingdom?