[ Created: 2024-03-16 09:44:57  Updated: 2024-03-17 09:03:18 Owner: rl ]
Title: We pray to prepare ourselves to implement His will by His power    



And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.     Thy kingdom come.     Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
We need to understand that our God is the Holy Spirit who exists in the Spirit Realm (heaven) and He is the one who begot the body of Christ Jesus and He is the one who births us into the Spirit Realm by faith in Christ Jesus.     

The Holy Spirit has ordained that mankind be the vessels that He dwells in.     Our Lord Jesus is the specifically created body for Him to manifest Himself.     Jesus is the firstfruit of those bodies which the Holy Spirit seeks to dwell in.     

The Holy Spirit chooses to rule the earth through the bodies of humans to whom He has given dominion.     

The HolySpirit's will is that the earth be under the dominion of men who honour Him and direct the affairs of other men accordingly.     Adam was give dominion but he relinqushed it to Satan.     

Jesus redeemed the earth and made it possible for fallen man to be Born Again and Spirit Filled in order to take over dominion of the earth in His absence.     

Because of the deceit of Satan, man has once again relinquished dominion over the earth to Satan.     

When Jesus returns He will reclaim dominion over the earth and establish the Millennial Kingdom which is ruled by the Holy Spirit filled man, Jesus, just as He had intended from the beginning.

If, as most Christian`s believer, the Lord`s will on earth is to be brought about by the Lord Himself, why would we need to pray that it be done?   

After all, our Lord has all power in heaven and earth and He can do what He wants when He wants.   

Christians are Sons Of The Holy Spirit who are left here to bring to reality the prayer for `His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven`.   

We do this by acting like Sons Of The Holy Spirit in the same fashion that our Lord Jesus Christ did.   
    He healed and delivered those who received Him and His teaching.   
    He castigated those who resisted Him and His teaching

The failure of the ministry to teach The Real Jesus has led Christians to forfeit the earth that Jesus came and took back from Satan, returning it into Satan`s hands.   

This is an abomination.   

How can I say this with authority?   
    When Jesus returns, immediately after catching His saints into the air, He will DESTROY the wicked and the works of their hands.   

These that will be destroyed are those whom we have allowed to think
    that there is no Creator
    that Jesus is optional
    that sin has no consequences
    that unbelievers are equal with believers
    that The Judgment is not coming
    that there is no Lake Of Fire

Jesus` spirituality led Him to do wonderful things for those suffering, to do amazing miracles and to die and rise again from the dead, but it also forced Him to address the corruption and vileness of the Jewish leadership of His day.   

Since we are Born Again of His Holy Spirit, made joint heirs with Him and left here as His stewards in charge of His earth, we aught to be as spiritual as He is in every sense that He manifested during His ministry on earth.   

Any believer whose spirituality does not play out in the political, social, economic and moral issues of our day only thinks he is spiritual.   

Jesus was a revolutionary.   

As His disciples we are to carry on the revolution.   

Too many believers are going to stand before their Lord and say `I was afraid and went and hid my talent`, whom our Lord will cast into outer darkness .   

Do not deny who you are In Christ thus denying what He has done in you.   

Denial and disobedience is an act of your will.   

Confession and obedience is an act of your will.   

You and I effect the will of the Lord in this age of the world, or not.   

Prepare yourself for these words:
His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
The Lord blesses manifold.     The law of multiplication works in the kingdom.

By doing the following:
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
This is the order of the day to all believers.     We are to:
    publicly proclaim the Gospel.     
    be ready to share the Truth
    reprimand and censure those who sin
    express strong disapproval of evil
    strongly encourage people to receive Christ
    stay within the authority of the scriptures with these actions
    not harangue individuals with the Gospel
    make sure everyone we know hears it from us.