[ Created: 2021-01-09 10:13:18  Updated: 2021-01-09 10:48:10 Owner: rl ]
Title: A person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators    



We have know all along that Lobbyists have a great influence on what happens in the Legislative branch of our Government but we tolerated it.   

The story is told about how Jesse Helms was approached by constituents who were wanting him to work toward repeal of the food stamp legislation.   They didn`t like he fact that some Americans had to work for wages to buy food while others didn`t.   

These are not his exact words but they effectively express what was said:

"If I introduced legislation to repeal the food stamp appropriations there would be some minor complaints coming from the people.   

However, as soon as the word went out about what was being proposed, the corporate jets would be landing in DC.   These corporate jets would contain Lobbyists from the big grocery store chains.   

They would insist that the bill be rescinded because of the tremendous loss of revenue that they would experience."

Because of the abiity of these Lobbyists to promote their interest with campaign contributions, vacations and possibly even cash, the bill would never be passed.   

Here we are 30 years later and grocery store chains are not even heard in DC because of the roar coming out of big Tech, big Pharma and big Retail.   

With millions approaching billions of dollars necessary to run for office the candidates can have no hope of election without corporate sponsers who are Lobbyists in waiting.   

So, what about Government.   Is it...   

OfByFor the people?   No.   

OfByFor the Government?   Yes.   

OfByFor the Corporations?   Yes.   

So, the result is that we have an unholy alliance between Government and Corporations to the degree that the people are the helpless servants of both.