What`s the difference you may ask?
Any time there is a Legislature in play the possibility of the Law being changed is highly likely.
And over time the new Laws will encroach on the Principles that motivated the original Laws. (see Animal Farm).
Many times we use words which do not communicate accurately or completely the underlying concept. Such is the word, Law.
Our Founding Fathers stated in the Declaration Of Independence the underlying Principle of the Laws that its Government should protect and defend:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
They actually referred to these Principles as Truths. Truth is the basis for Principle.
So, being a "nation of Laws" is nebulous, unstable. Being a "nation of Truth" is firm, concrete.
Our current representatives in Government have perverted the implied meaning of a "nation of Laws" which was a "nation of Principle" to mean "whatever we pass in the Legislature".
This attitude is a result of not believing in Absolutes. God is the foundation for Absolutes.
In a Moral Relativism world, Law will morph in any direction that the Legislators determine without the constraint of Absolute Truth and the Principles it defines.
Such a Legislature has firstly removed itself from Accountability to God and secondly removed itself from Accountability to the people it represents.
This is Wickedness before God and man. Such Wickedness in Government was the motivation for our Declaration Of Independence from Great Britain.
Such Wickedness in our current Government is the motivation for a new Declaration Of Independence and a new Government (RevolutionII) which will return to OfByFor the people.