[ Created: 2021-01-06 08:45:52  Updated: 2021-01-07 07:16:59 Owner: rl ]
Title: America under the control of the Socialist Chinese puppets    



Unless Congress forestalls the confirmation of Joe Biden, the Republicans in Congress should just go home.   

Why do I say that?   Because all that a piece of legislation will need to pass is a simple majority in both houses and then be signed off by the democratic president.   Boom!   

The Republicans will just be noise makers with no effect on how the country is run into the ground.   

Now, if you are a trusting soul you may believe that that would be a good thing - no arguing and a smoothly run Government providing for all your needs.   

However, the evidence points to such a pipe dream turning into a nightmare.   

China makes everything for us except food and fuel.   Multi-national Corporations like Google, Facebook, Pharma, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, etc, have no allegiance to the USA because their products are made by China.   

Our Politicians have received incentives from China and Multi-National Corporations for favorable public relations.   Translation: they have been bought.   

How about the Chinese people who have been slaving away at subsistance wages to enable Americans to buy, buy, buy at low prices and enjoy their Prosperity?   

Do you think they do this happily?   Do you suppose there is absolutely no resentment?   

What do you think China will do to the USA when it has no Trump to control them?   It will totally control the USA.   

To get back at us for taking advantage of them they will squeeze us by reducing the value of our dollar to the point that it is worthless.   

They will turn the tables on us.   We will become their slaves.   

And all those Politicians who sold their Soul to the Devil for wealth and power along with all the people who sold their Souls to the Devil for the checks and benefits their Politicians voted them will be brought to poverty.   

The powerful Politicians will effectively be replaced by the powerful Chinese Communists.   

The end result is that America becomes a third world country and China rules the World.   

If this is a dismal, depressing prospect then you understand why this article is tagged as Amurky.   

The glorious history of America will simply be a memory evoking both fondness and sadness at its loss.