[ Created: 2021-01-05 11:41:54  Updated: 2021-01-05 11:52:06 Owner: rl ]
Title: Lead America To Oblivion     

The Left, the Progessive, the Socialist, the Communist, the Satanist - whatever term you might want to use - is the anti MAGA force that we struggle with at the Political Social level.   

The reality is that it is just a battlefront for the SpiritualWarfare that is going on.   The ChildOfGod is at war with the ChildOfSatan for control of this World.   

Every person needs to see beyond the nuances, the rhetoric, the justifications and explanations to the core, underlying divide.   

Those who are of God will gravitate toward MAGA as an expression of their WorldView which proceeds from their Spirituality, their connection to God.   

Those who are against God (yes that is an accurate way of putting it) will gravitate toward LATO as an expression of their WorldView which proceeds from their Spirituality, their disconnection from God.