The quote from Yogi Berra is both humerous and true. America is at a fork in the road. We will take one of the paths before us. Which one will it be?
The Lie that satan believed about himself was that he was special apart from God. This is the Lie that he used to convince Eve to Sin - you can be special without God.
Every person (especially young people) is told by satan that they are special (you can handle porn, drugs, alcohol, etc.).
Every generation thinks they are special in that the 'old ways' need to be changed.
The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. - Ecc 1:9
Those who believe the lie of satan are destroyed today just as they have been since Eden.
We see in the Old Testament how whole generations of the 'chosen people' suffered for believing the Lie. We are not immune from the Consequences of Sin.
'Science', which the left worships but which they have turned into Witchcraft, will not save us. Satan's ideologies and policies will actually destroy us.
After Jesus spent 3 1/2 years preaching, teaching, healing, and delivering He said this to those who rejected the Truth: "No! Except you repent, you will all likewise perish!" Luk 13:3.
He took no pleasure in saying this. But, any person who does not retain God in their knowledge (who does not honor God and seek Him) will fall into satan's trap.
A nation is nothing more than an aggregation of people. As the minds and hearts of the people go toward Idolatry (science, ideology, hedonism, lying, greed) the nation's character is formed along the same lines.
The blind are leading us and we will all fall into a ditch (Mat 15:14) unless those who can see take the reins.
We are to take the reins by preaching the Gospel. This means we tell people to REPENT - that they are WRONG - that their ideas are Foolishness. John did it, Jesus did it and we must do it.
In America our Constitution guarantees us Government "of, by and for the people". Our system is failing us as we see Government serving only itself.
We see the people whom we have entrusted to serve us turning their heads away from criminals in Government, turning their heads away from Fraud, ignoring Lies and receiving Liars.
They only care about themselves and the corrupted Government they have created and now worship.
Can a Christian be a Witness and and a Warrior?
If you answer this question with a 'no' you are surrendering God's gift (America) to satan.
Those who have rejected the Knowledge of God now have ReprobateMinds. Your witnessing to them will be no more effective than Jesus's was to the Pharisees, scribes and hypocrites. Understand the times.
He, that being often reproved hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. - Pro 29:1
Our leadership has hardened its neck toward God. We either remove that leadership or we see the nation that we have allowed them to 'lead' being destroyed.
If you are not up to the challenge before us, please don't support the enemy. "The friend of my enemy is my enemy".
How long halt you between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. - 1Ki 18:21.
BAAL is alive and well in America. His modern name is Socialism.
The prophets of Baal were destroyed by Elijah (1Ki 18:40.) We need Elijahs today who can both Pray and wield a sword.