[ Created: 2020-12-28 18:17:24  Updated: 2024-07-08 09:28:18 Owner: rl ]
Title: Little bit of Wisdom through RL    



  • God made the body to be resilient.   Sin weakens it along with the poisons that we ingest.   However, a little wisdom and a lot of Faith will enable the body to supernaturally heal.   
  • Whenever we look through carnal eyes at a brother we see a work in progress.   Whenever we look at a brother through the eyes of God and see the end from the beginning we see a glorious church member without spot, wrinkle or blemish.   
  • When you take Jesus out of your understanding of God you are left with Satan.   
    In math terms:
    God - Jesus = Satan
  • An Atheist is a person who believes in God but hates Him, and so pretends that He doesn`t exist.   The Atheist hates God because he has never heard the Truth about Him.   
  • A Christian who does not understand that Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and any other `ism` is false is really NOT a Christian.   
  • There is no fix to a bad idea.   Stop trying to.   You have to admit it was a bad idea and change your thinking.   
  • The problem with the left is that they are incapable of honest assessment, confession and correction.   
  • Sovereignty and FreeWill
        God is Sovereign -
        God gave Dominion over the earth to man -
        Man is responsible for Evil in the earth -
        Free Will Choice between Good and Evil determines everything -
  • Mediocrity is the result of doubt or laziness.   In both cases the effort necessary for excellence is not there.   
  • When a person has a Love Of The Truth they align themselves toward God and so He Enlightens them.   
  • The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Truth bringing Revelation Knowledge and Wisdom of the Incarnate Word (Truth) and Written Word (Truth) to the Pure In Heart.   
  • Opinion has very little value.   Truth is more precious than diamonds and gold.   Opinion is of self.   Truth is of God.   Whisper your Opinion.   Shout the Truth!   
  • We were given a Body with a Voice and a Soul with a Mind to impact this world by the Spiritual Truth that is revealed to us by the Word and the Holy Spirit.   If we don`t we might as well just go on to Heaven.   
  • Thinking linearly is plodding, maintaining, surviving (the servant who hid his talent).   
    Thinking geometrically is way better - 30, 60 and 100 fold blessing.   
    Thinking exponentially is Jesus way - healing, deliverance, resurrection
  • Science reveals what God has done.   The Holy Spirit and the Word reveal who God is.   What God has done reveals that He is.   Who God is reveals who we are.   
  • God`s Word has incorporated Blessing and Cursing in it.   
    He has to do nothing extra for an Obedient, Faithful person to be Blessed.   
    He has to do nothing extra for a Disobedient, Unbelieving person to be Cursed.   
    As the people go, so goes the Nation.   
    This is why our current national course will inevitably end in Destruction barring wholesale Repentance.   
  • Shutdown churches
    Shutdown business
    Shutdown pipeline
    Shutdown speech
    Shutdown justice

    It is time to shutdown the shutdowners.   
  • Jesus came to fill us with His Holy Spirit.   He had to shed His blood to make that possible.   
  • Jesus told His disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they were filled with His Holy Spirit.   
  • Peter became a new man when filled with the Holy Spirit.   So did Paul and the other apostles.   
  • Satan, through prideful Christian men, demoted the Holy Spirit to God 3rd class in the Church and that explains why Satan is sitting on Christ`s earthly throne as I speak.   
  • When you have power and no money you sell your power for money.   When you have money and no power, you buy some power.   Government is all about money and power and the transactions between the two.   
  • For prayer to be continuous it must be natural.   It must flow from the awareness of the Holy Spirit in me and me in Him.   There comes a point where the knowledge of oneness enables the imagination of the thoughts of my heart to rest in Him.   
  • Converse with the Holy Spirit in a flow of intimacy beyond any with your closest friend or spouse.   
  • Prayer ceases to be an appointment and becomes my existence.   
  • Information is not the same as Truth.   Truth underpins wisdom.   Information that is not Truth drives foolishness.   
  • Reject `style over substance`.   That priority scheme has wreaked havoc on our society.   We have become a nation of polished liars.   
  • Civilization is a product of Christianity.   It is in the New Birth that a person becomes capable of being civilized.   The Sin Nature born in a person will eventually destroy them and those in their path.   
  • Justice requires an eye for an eye.   It always has and always will.   Justice is a deterrent.   Mercy can only be extended by the one offended.   
  • Our character as a people is the sum of our character as individuals.   To believe otherwise is to be deceived.   
  • Intelligence is only the ability to process information.   If the information is faulty or the assumptions are faulty, intelligence only enables one to reach the wrong conclusions earlier.   
  • Misbehaviour does not invalidate the truth that one speaks.   
    Good behaviour does not legitimize the lie that one tells.   
  • As long as Americans are able to live despite the government, the government cannot gain full control of the them.   
  • Abundant Life is more than you have the capacity to receive.   It is blessing upon blessing such that the only way you can receive the ones that are coming is to give the others away.   
  • By using a trans person`s assumed name and referring to them using the pronouns for their assumed gender, you are participating in their immorality.   
  • Mental illness is a manifestation of spiritual disease which is the bigger problem.   Spiritual disease is destroying people like a slow growing cancer.   Enabling mental illness is a clear sign of spiritual disease.   
  • Have you noticed that all the people who want to control the population live in big cities?   
    If they would get out of town and see how big the world is, they wouldn`t be Malthusians.   
  • Insanity is the final state of every person who departs from the knowledge of God.   Sometimes it manifests in violent physical behavior, sometimes as violent emotional behavior and sometimes as violent intellectual behavior.   
  • The
        Military-Industrial complex
        BigTech-Media complex
        NIH-Pharma complex
        DOJ-Socialism complex
        DC-Royalty complex
        Elitist-Superiority complex
    is just about to do us in.   
  • America has the moral equivalent of AIDS.   It cannot resist any form of evil destructive force.   Rather it provides incubation space for it.   
  • Once you become greedy, you are greedy.   This is the socialist/communist sin - ownership of everything and everyone.   
  • Self-loathing and self-worship are two sides of the same sick coin.   Body mutilation is a sign of mental illness.   
  • When a person gives themself over to sexual perversion (of any type) they must lie to themselves about it.   This conditioning enables them to lie about any other issue.   
  • Love is the focus of Faith.   Love was manifested in Christ Jesus.   Love entered us in His Holy Spirit.   Grace is the provision of Love.   
  • AI is as deceiver - pure and simple.   
    Only manipulators are pushing it and only the weak-minded will receive it.   
  • Never think you have a handle on wickedness.   It is a bottomless pit into which those that fall explore and demonstrate deeper gradations of evil.   
  • Sometimes we get caught up in minutia.   
    That is a trick of the enemy, Satan.   
    All men are born lost, corrupted in their spirits and unable to help themselves.   
    Trusting people who have never been born again of the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus is foolishness.   
    Remember this.   
  • Deceit, distraction and destruction are the deeds of debased, Deity deniers who disseminate the Devil`s degrading, damnable doctrines.   
  • If you are uncomfortable talking about Jesus it is likely He will be uncomfortable talking about you.   
  • Jesus made a profound statement about the enemy.   "The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy." This is what the democratic party has become - the instrument of Satan to steal (tax), kill (abortion) and destroy (politization).   
  • The hearts of good Americans is seen as nothing more than sustenance by the leeches we elect.   
  • Communist ideology is very enticing to the naive person who envisions unlimited resources to be shared 'fairly' by 'good' people who are in charge of everything.   
  • There are consequences and there should always be consequences.   Parents who do not teach consequences are preparing their children to face the consequences.   
  • The idea that man can change the climate is essentially a tenet of the religion of Secular Humanism which believes that man is the supreme being who not only is responsible for everything but can deconstruct and reconstruct everything to suit himself.   
  • Losers eventually identify themselves as losers.   Some just do it sooner than others.   
  • War - Nothing ever changes except the names of those who cause it and those who die because of it.   
  • Federalism is the HOA mentality on steroids.   
  • Time is an illusion.   It is always NOW with our Heavenly Father.   Faith bridges our illusion into the reality of NOW.   If we are conscious of time, we are outside of faith.   
  • Only people who are not already gainfully employed go into government, thus making it into a confederation of incompetents whose election goes to their heads so that they forget that they were actually unemployable.