As far as I can tell Joel Osteen is the most hated minister in America - mostly by Christians.   

    he does not preach on sin
    he preaches prosperity

There are probably some other reasons but these are the ones of which I am aware.   So, I will speak to them.   


Most Christians do not understand that all sin has been forgiven for all time for all people .    So, they are Sin Conscious rather than Christ Conscious .   

Paul states that there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.   We come in to Christ Jesus by Grace Through Faith receiving His Holy Spirit who is Eternal Life and empowers us to achieve Abundant Life.   

The fact is that those who have an issue with sin are in bondage to it and need to be freed by an act of their will to give it up.   The Holy Spirit will deliver such a person from that bondage.   

One of the reasons people sin is that they are bored.   Christians are not suppose to be lazy from which boredom proceeds.   

By teaching people that they are already sons of `God` and the implications of it, they will stop sinning and start exploring the New Creature.   

Unbelief sends a person to hell, not sin.   Sin is a by-product of unbelief.   

Prosperity Most Christians apparently think that the Creator of all things and the owner of all things is stingy.   

Some even think that the Lord wants us to be poor.   That poverty is some sort of badge of honor.   

Now, it is a fact that the Lord does not love a person more because they are wealthy or less because they are poor (and vice-versa).   

The Prosperity Gospel is based on a proper view of our Lord.   He is the greatest giver and He has given us His Kingdom.   

We are to give as freely as we receive.   But if you do not have excess you are unable to bless others with it.   

Jesus said that if we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, all these things would be added to us.   `All these things` are the good material blessings of life.   

The Law of Sowing And Reaping is all about prosperity that results from sowing good seed.   

Joel is wealthy from his book sales.   
Lazy, unproductive, poor people tend to be covetous.   
Are you jealous and covetous?   

So, at the end of the day the question becomes:
    Who is preaching the true Gospel

After all, Gospel means `good news`.   It is not good news to know that you can`t sin but there is nothing to replace it.   

Quit picking on a fellow believer and start reading the scripture for yourself.   If you are a Joel hater you may in fact be the one who is not following the real Christ Jesus.