[ Created: 2020-12-21 16:24:14  Updated: 2020-12-21 17:43:39 Owner: rl ]
Title: When we Rebuke and Exhort is it Pride or Power    



For many years the Ministry has been focused on maintaining and growing the church through programs as well as the Positivity and Prosperity aspects of the Gospel.   

Such focus has not by and large resulted in a preponderance of Discipleship.   

Over the past year the curtain has rolled back to reveal the truth.   Unfortunately, that truth is not the Truth.   

The truth is that the church is pathetically weak.   Maybe not weak in numbers or assets but weak in Spiritual Power.   Our Power comes from the Holy Spirit and the Word, which together make us more than Conquerors by Faith.   

The Word says we are to Walk by Faith and not by Sight.   The evidence is overwhelming that the church is walking by Sight.   

Faith is the number one thing Jesus is interested in.   There is not one instance in the Gospels where Jesus rebuked a Disciple for regular old Sin which they no doubt committed (they were not yet converted and not yet Spirit Filled).   

But Jesus did Rebuke them and it was always for the same thing - Fear and Unbelief.   

So, when a Christian is walking, talking and acting in Faith it is no surprise that the Sight walker is offended.   

So be it.   

The Truth is that Christ Jesus is about to be Spew the Fearful and Unbelieving Chrstian out of His mouth.   Why?   Because only Faith pleases God.   

When the Son of Man returns will He find Faith in the earth?   

Whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin.   

It is time for rebuking the Deception as a last ditch effort to awaken people to the fact they are not going to be rescued by a secret, silent Rapture from the kingdom of the antichrist that is at the door.   

The reality is that a person who cannot walk by Faith enough to not wear a Mask does not have the Faith to enable them to refuse the mark, name or number of the Beast.   

The spewing out that Christ says will happen is because of lukewarmness - an absence of commitment which reflects Unbelief.   

Until a person sees that they are in Unbelief they won't Repent of it.   

Jesus rebuked His discuples time again for Fear and Unbelief.   Was He concerned about offending them?   No.   He wanted to Save them from the Consequences of Unbelief.   

There may be people out there appearing to pat themselves on the back for not fearing COVID-19.   But Pride in self is the opposite of Faith in God.    But unless a person manifests the Fruit of Faith in their works, they simply don't have it.   

Wanting it ( Faith) is not the same as having it.   Talking it is not the same as living it.   

The little church that I Pastor has never shut its doors, has not restricted the number, has not required masks and has not required distancing.   The people have been told to "Have Faith in God" and they are walking by Faith.   No one has been sick with COVID-19.   Coincidence?   I don't think so.   

I am not patting myself on the back.   As a Pastor who teaches Faith in the Word of God it would be hypocritical of me to lead such people into Fear.   There, I said it: hypocritical.   

I am disappointed and embarassed by Christians lack of Faith and it is a powerful testimony to the Unbelievers that they were right all along - "there is nothing to this Faith and Grace stuff".   

Yes, Jesus used the appropriate word, spewing, to express His feeling about shallowness and faithlessness.   

Furthernore, anyone who denies the Power of the Word and Spirit by claiming Chriat and walking in Fear is a blasphemer because their actions are louder than their words.   

We are either living proof of the Truth or we are living evidence of its impotence.   

Just as with Jesus, if my Rebuke is offensive, it is not my intention.   But when people are sleeping the sleep of death an offensive wake up call may be all that will bring them to Repentance.