    [ Created: 2020-12-21 10:40:57  Updated: 2020-12-21 11:10:23   Owner: rl ]
Title: A Christian Patriot    

Can you be a Christian and a Nationalist or Patriot?

Here is the way for you to determine the answer to this question.

God gave the land that we call America to people who wanted to Worship Him (Christ Jesus) in Freedom and Truth.

In Europe at the time of the Reformation there was a great division between Catholics and Protestants.

Furthermore there were denominational divisions among the Protestants who were affected by the rigidity of the Catholic church from which they sprang.

In England, Henry VIII establish the Church of England which was more of a political entity than a Religious entity.

So, sincere, Truth-loving Christians wanted to pursue their search for more Enlightenment without the constraints of a Political church.

God honored their reaching out to Him by giving them the 'bestest' land on the planet - America.

The colonists were set Free by the Truth and the AmericanRevolution was an expression of this Freedom.

The Government that formed was based on the Truths of Scripture.

So, America is a gift from God to His children.

If your natural parent gave you an Inheritance would you just allow a stranger to Steal that Inheritance without an outcry? I think not.

So, why should Christians relinquish their God given gift to enemies of Christ and the Freedom that He gave us?

There is no reason unless the Christian proves unworthy of the gift by not valuing it.

Remember Esau? Gen 25:29-33

For the above reason I believe that it is Immoral for a Christian NOT to be a Nationalist, a Patriot.