Give this some thought...
Dominion means "sovereignty, control"
Democracy means "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."
Now if your product is appropriately named it will communicate, to the extent possible, the major purpose or feature of said product.
So why did the developers/owners name their election system Dominion rather than Democracy?
Who buys their system? The government that is currently in power. Now ASSUME for just a second the possibility that there are people who would do whatever necessary to maintain their job, their power and their future career. I know it is hard to imagine that such people exist. But stay with me for a moment.
Who would pay the developer more for the system? A government that served its people or one that served itself?
The government that served its people would only pay as much as was necessary for just the basic system which scanned, stored and reported on the results.
However, the Government that served itself would pay more for features that provided more control of the scanning, the storing, the reporting functions, the algorithms, the triggers and switches which could ensure that their government stayed in power.
Scenarion A. For the people-serving goverment, there is no personal financial incentive for the high-end product and so that government remains vulnerable to being replaced by voters using the base system. Furthermore, the vendor makes only a modest profit since it is a base system.
Scenario B. For the self-serving government client, they stand to extend their job, their power snd ensure their future career. Furthermore the vendor sells a higher end product thus making a larger prophet.
Now, which scenario, A. or B. is more likely to play out? (Remember the assumption above before you answer)
I hear the answer now: B.
So, we come back to the assumption. Is it reasonable or not?
Do you believe that people, in general, are self-serving or self-sacrificing?
If you believe "self-serving" then you are correct. Capitalism is based on that principle.
"The purchaser and the vendor in the marketplace are both self-serving."
So then, the first issue is whether or not our current system was designed for a self-serving client or not? The answer speaks to the integrity of the company.
The second issue is whether our government is self-serving or people-serving. The answer speaks to the integrity of the government.
I submit that our self-serving government bought a high-end product from a self-serving vendor and used that system to enable their DOMINION leaving the trusting people without a DEMOCRACY.
And that's why they called their product: DOMINION. The name speaks to the type of cient they designed it to fit. That's just good product design and marketing.
This is just deduction.
As in all the episodes of 'Columnbo' the accused guilty person would say "where's your proof"?
I'm not Columbo.
There are stacks of affidavits filed. There are statistical anomalies in how counties votes accumulated.
There are videos of inappropriate handling of ballots. There are audit results from a Michican county verifying unreliability and manipulation of the Dominion system.
In conclusion we have evidence of a crime,
motivation for a crime,
defendants in a crime, and prosecutors of a crime.
We are simply missing an honest open courtroom in which to hear the evidence and make a judgement.