Jesus is the Spirit Soul And Body of what we call `God`.
Jesus is God.
Jesus is Lord.
Jesus is physically in heaven.
Jesus is spiritually in heaven and earth by His Holy Spirit, the Spirit Of Truth.
The Holy Spirit of Jesus was with them while He ministered on earth and His Holy Spirit would come to be in them on the day of Pentecost.
Why do people, including Christians, not receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit Of Christ? They cannot see Him. No one can see the Holy Spirit and so men go about creating a god that they can see or at least visualize.
It is idolatry to try to visualize the Holy Spirit apart from His express image, Christ Jesus. This is why we come to the Father (Holy Spirit) in the name of Jesus.
We receive the Holy Spirit of Jesus by asking in faith just like we received remission of sins and were Born Again. Both come by and through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
But just as Jesus is in His Holy Spirit Father Joh 17:21, and His Holy Spirit Father is in Him, making Him His own Father Joh 14:7-9 while saying `the Father is greater than I` Joh 14:28, so it is with us, we can be filled with the Holy Spirit and yet have only part of the omnipresent Holy Spirit Father in us.
The source point from which He, the Holy Spirit, issues is the Spirit Realm (heaven). It is there in which His Majesty is best experienced Heb 1:3 Heb 8:1
All Truth is ours In Christ Jesus who listen to His Holy Spirit teach us the depth of it 1Jn 2:20.
What does the Holy Spirit hear? → The Word.
What does the Holy Spirit speak? → The Word
The Word is Truth Joh 17:17.
It is interesting that the Holy Spirit, who will only speak what He hears from the Word, is the inspiration for what is spoken in the Word. This is saying that the Word and Holy Spirit are One - inseparable Joh 1:1.
We must pour ourselves into the Word so that the Holy Spirit can reveal its Truth to us Joh 14:26.