[ Created: 2020-12-17 19:53:25  Updated: 2020-12-17 20:00:40 Owner: rl ]
Title: The blessings and the disappointments of 2020    



I have not worn a Mask this year except in airports/planes and doctor`s offices.   I have traveled 6000 miles or more in automobiles and motorcycles never putting on a Mask except when commanded to by a NAZI brown-shirt and only for the minimal time possible.   I have been in service stations, restaurants and hotels from NC to Oregon AND I HAVE NOT EVEN CONTRACTED A COLD (by the way I am 68 yrs old).   

My church (NLPC) NEVER closed its doors and NEVER required Masks and NEVER required social distancing and NEVER restricted the number and there have been NO covid-19 cases in it.   

What is my point?   COVID-19 is a work of the Devil and it thrives on Fear while Good Health thrives on FAITH in the finished work of Jesus Christ.   

I am bragging on God and condemning the Fearful and Unbelieving whether in the church or out of it.   

I am a Christian and a Patriot.   That is a combination that can change the world when both are espoused in their purity.   

It breaks my heart to see Weakness and Fear in Christians.   It breaks my heart to see our Freedom given away to Liars, Deceivers and power-hungry Socialist, Communist Children Of Satan.   

I am mad at the DEVIL who has accomplished so much this year in his work to Steal, Kill and Destroy.   

Why can`t people see that they are being put in Bondage?   

Why have they closed their minds and hearts to the One who Loves them and will give them Abundant Life?   

The answer:

In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.    -

The "god of this world" is Socialism which is nothing more than ancient BAAL.   

" Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand".   - Jesus ()